Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in West Salem, Wisconsin


Beginning June 2, 2024, pre-recorded worship videos are available on our new YouTube channel – youtube.com/@techoslc/streams – or click here.  The bulletin for the current week is available on our home page.

May 26, 2024 – The Holy Trinity…a new organ…and saints of God…all have something in common. Find out what as Pastor Jon shares the message, and we dedicate our new organ. Click here to join our worship. Get the bulletin for this service right here.

May 19, 2024 – It’s Pentecost…and graduate recognition. We hear stories – from Esther to the Tower of Babel to Pentecost. Most of all, we hear about the presence of the Holy Spirit, empowering us to go out in a difficult and witness what God is about – the gifts of life in Jesus! The choir sings, and Pastor Jon shares the message. Join our worship right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.  

May 12, 2024 – Ascension Day a few days late…but it’s too important to overlook!  Pastor Jean shares the message, and the Sunday School children sing.  Catch it all, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

May 5, 2024 – After 32 years of faithful service, it’s time to “de-mission” our organ, and bring in a new instrument.  Lots of work, and lots of help to make it happen.  Watch it right here. 

May 5, 2024 – God is at work, the Holy Spirit is swirling, and love is all around. But are you ready for a love that is not about feelings, but about action and even sacrifice? That’s why we have the Holy Spirit. Pastor Jean shares the message, the bells play, and the organ, faithful for over 32 years, is used for the last time. A new instrument beckons!  Click here to join our worship.    To get the bulletin, click here. 

April 28, 2024 – Affirmation of Baptism, part two! Another group of young people affirm the promises of baptism – by parents and sponsors, and by a gracious God! And as they do, Pastor Jon challenges them to not only bear fruit, but to bear fruit that changes lives! And how can they do that? Grounded and nurtured by Jesus!  Click here to join worship.  To get the bulletin, click here.

April 27, 2024 – Our Savior’s partners with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build beds for children who sleep on floors or sofas. We gathered on Saturday morning at the Lion’s Shelter hoping to build 30 beds with 60 volunteers from Our Savior’s and around the community. What happened? Over 70 showed up, we used all the wood and built 36 beds, and finished early! What a great way to “bear fruit” (John 15:1-8 – the gospel reading for the weekend.) And already some talk about doing this again!  Watch it right here.

April 21, 2024 – The band, a baptism, and the Good Shepherd – the Easter Season is in full swing!  Pastor jean reflects on “my shepherd” – mine or am I his?  Find out more, right here.  To get the bulletin, click here.  

April 14, 2024 – It’s Affirmation of Baptism for 9th (and a few 8th) graders (the rest follow on April 28).  But more than “confirmation” for some kids, it’s a reminder for all the baptized of the calling of Jesus – the message, what’s done with it, and who does it (spoiler alert – YOU!)  Oh, and also how we do it!  Pastor Jon shares the message, the choir sings, and 24 young people affirm their baptisms.  Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

April 7, 2024 – Time for Thomas!  Can’t believe it unless I see it.  But what about you?  Have you seen the Risen Jesus?  Hint – he might be closer than you think!  Pastor Jean shares the message, and the Bells of Joy share music.  Join our worship right here. Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 31, 2024 – The Resurrection of Our Lord! We rejoice in the risen Jesus with lots of music, energy, and the gospel. Pastor Jon shares the message, and the children share music.  Join our worship right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 29, 2024 – Good Friday – the Service of Tenebrae – from light to darkness as we hear the story of the crucifixion and ponder the sacrifice of Jesus for the sake of the world. Click here to join us.

March 28, 2024 – Maundy Thursday – the beginning of the Triduum with First Communion for 5th graders and the stripping of the altar. Pastor Jon shares the message. Click here to join us!

March 24, 2024 – Palm Sunday…Sunday of the Passion. We hear the story, beginning with the triumph of “Hosanna” as the children parade with palms, moving on to the passion of “crucify him!” And then we leave, departing into Holy Week…to the cross and then…the empty tomb!  Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

March 17, 2024 – “Sir, we want to see Jesus!”  Words from Greeks 2000 years ago – and our words today.  And what do we see?  A “spoiler alert” for the next two seeks.  God is at work in the crucified and risen Jesus, driving out the rulers of the world, and drawing us to him!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 10, 2024 – John 3:16 – you’ve seen the signs at football games, you’ve maybe even memorized the words.  But…did you even take a take the words apart or take a step back and scope out the landscape?   Pastor Jon takes us on a quick peek at words and landscape.  Join us by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

March 3, 2024 – The Ten Commandments – the ultimate list of “do’s and don’ts!”  A checklist for staying on God’s good side.  Or…maybe not.  Maybe this is the ultimate “roadmap” for faithful living.  Find out as Pastor Jean explores some of the wonder and depth…and yes, even grace of the Ten Commandments.  Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

February 25, 2024 – Abraham laughs…and sometimes so do we, but…when it’s all said and done, God gets the last laugh! Just a bit of whimsy as God smiles, laughs, and gives new life through the crucified and risen Jesus. Join us by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

February 18, 2024 – Noah and the ark…and God and rainbows.  Promises made and remembered, even when the rainbow is hard to see!  Pastor Jon shares the message, and the choir sings…and you can join by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

February 14, 2024 – Ash Wednesday on Valentine’s Day means crosses…and hearts…and love…and ashes…and Jesus. And then, the question of the ages…just what are you worth? Spoiler alert…it has something to do with Jesus! Pastor Jean explains.  Click here to watch the video.  The bulletin for this service is available right here.

February 11, 2024 – From one mountain to the next, one journey end, another begins.  The SOS Band leads our worship, the choir and Sunday School children join voices, Pastor Jean preaches, Alleluias are buried, and at the end, we dance off on a new journey.  Click here to join the journey.  Get the bullen for this service right here. 

February 4, 2024 – “Raised” to be what God has created us to be…”servants”…just like a woman long ago…and a Savior then and now.  We give thanks for the ministry of the Care and Share Food Pantry, a place where those who have been “raised” to be what God has created them to be, “serve” as God has called them – serving those in need.  Pastor Jon shares the message.  Join us right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

January 28, 2024 – A new teaching…and a new teacher…with REAL authority.  And the powers of evil don’t stand a chance!  Who can this be?   The SOS band leaders our worship, and Pastor Jean shares the message.  Find out, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.  

January 21, 2024 – So, ready to go?  Jesus is, and out comes his playbook – time, the Kingdom God, repentance, and good news!  It worked 2000 years ago, and it works today.  So, let’s run the play – “follow me…and immediately we respond – faithfully!”  Oh, and check out the awesome choir piece – “Here I am Lord.”  See it all, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

January 14, 2024 – Can anything good come out of Nazareth?  Come and See!  An invitation to Nathanael in John 1…and two thousand years later an invitation in West Salem!  Come and see…and find out more…right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

January 7, 2024 – What do we do when the joy and wonder of Christmas “fizzles away?”  Find out, right here.  To get the bulletin for this service, click here.

December 31, 2023 – New Year’s Eve!  Jeff Haldeman and Bonnie Gensch lead worship as we reflect on the gifts of Christmas.  Click here to join.  To get the bulletin for this service, click here. 

December 24, 2023 – “Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light!”  As the darkness descends upon us, we gather to worship the baby n the manger.  Yet, as dark as the night becomes, the light continues to shine.  Two thousand years ago – and today.  Join us as we celebrate the light …and the night…that overcomes all darkness.  Click here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

December 17, 2023 – It’s the Choir’s turn to share the message – “Joy!”  And joy it is as we get every closer to the manger.  Click here to join our worship, and hear the Senior Choir cantata – “Joy!”  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

December 10, 2023 – The Sunday School Children present the story – the baby in the manger beckons as we draw every closer to the celebration of Christmas, of God with us, in our midst, in the person of Jesus!  Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service, by clicking here. 

December 6, 2023 –  It’s the “Hanging of the Greens!”  Our 7th graders help us ponder the meaning of the symbols of the season as we begin the journey of Advent. Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

December 3, 2023 – Advent begins…with a new year’s celebration worth celebrating! How so? It’s all about the grounding…from manger to cross and beyond. Pastor Jon explains, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 26, 2023 – The obvious…the challenging…and the surprising…all in one parable! Find out where and what it all means as we come to the end of the church year, and look ahead to Advent as Pastor Jon shares the message.  Join us, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 22, 2023 – It’s Thanksgiving Eve, and we gather with our friends from St Teresa and the Presbyterian Church of West Salem – with a really large choir from all three congregations – to give thanks!  But giving thanks isn’t the end…it’s just the beginning!  Find out more – and enjoy the music – right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 19, 2023 – All sorts of gifts…entrusted to us by a gracious God…but…no direction on what to do?   Ah yes, the life of a disciple.  Discernment…risk…and confidence…because of Jesus!  Find out more, from Pastor Jean, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

November 12, 2023 – Ugh! Stewardship Sunday…talking about money…again! But what if I told you it’s not about money (well, it is, but it’s about much more than money.) And what if I told you it has something to do with water…ice cream…and Bugs Bunny! Don’t believe me? Check it out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 5, 2023 – All Saint’s Sunday – we remember the saints – those lost this past year, those lost years ago…and those sitting in the pews!  The Chances Choir and the Bells of Joy join us in giving thanks and praise for “all the saints!”  Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

October 29, 2023 – It’s Reformation Sunday…and Pastor Jean takes us on a “touristy tour” of Wittenberg, ending with Jesus in our lives today.  Join the tour…and find out more by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

October 22, 2023 – Opportunities to be a part of God’s work in the world abound…some optional…and some not so optional!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

October 15, 2023 – God is in our midst…God is at work in us…but, just what does that look like? We see “our story,” and we see God at work – in us, but also in many other places too! Click here to check it out. Get the bulletin for this service right here.

October 7, 2023 -Our friends from Bethany in Mauston join us, with Pastor Joan Wittrock sharing the message (spoiler alert – she doesn’t like the gospel reading – find out what she does with it!) The children join us along with the senior choir, and the place is rocking!  Join the worship, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

September 30/October 1, 2023 – When does thinking outside the box require us to stay grounded inside the box? When ministry, even new ministry, is grounded in the faithful ministry and partnerships we have always carried out! Pastor Jean explains, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

September 24, 2023 – Sorry, but it’s true – God is not fair!  And that is a good thing!  Find out why, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service, right here. 

September 17, 2023 – Forgiveness – it’s for life! Yes, indeed – forgiveness isn’t something we do – it’s something we are! Check it out, right here, as Pastor Jean explores what forgiveness is in the power of the cross of Jesus.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

September 10, 2023 – When is forgiveness more than forgiveness? Pastor Jon explains…right here!   Get the bulletin for this service right here.

September 3, 2023 – The cross to wear…the cross to bear…either way, Jesus is at work!  Click here to learn more.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

August 27, 2023 – Sometimes it’s the journey…and sometimes it’s the place…and sometimes it’s Jesus.  And then there are those moments when it’s all three.  Like today.  Check it out, right here. Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

August 20, 2023 – A strange text becomes words of hope thanks to a “tale of two women.”  Advice…witness…and Jesus…  Pastor Jon explains, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

August 13, 2023 – Peter and water and faith are a great mix.  Peter and water…and fear?  Not so much!  But wait…don’t forget…Jesus is here too.  For Peter, and for me…and for you!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

August 6, 2023 – We all know the score – scarcity is everywhere.  But if you look carefully, abundance is…over-abundant!  And that can mean only one thing – God is at work, and the blessings of Jesus are all over the place.  Pastor Jon explains, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service, by clicking here.

July 30, 2023 – When is a rainbow not a rainbow, and what difference does is it make?  Plenty if all is dry, barren…and dark.  Yet, maybe there’s more than meets the eye.  A riddle, to be sure.  A riddle…Jesus style!  Pastor Jean unravels the riddle with a bit of help from an old man and a grainy photograph.  Click here to find out more. Get the bulletin for this service right here.

July 23, 2023 – Wheat, weeds, and rhubarb…and it all has something to do with community, discipleship, and grace.  And Jesus, too!  Find out more right hereTo get the bulletin for this service, click here.

July 16, 2023 – Waste, waste, waste!  God just throws the word around, on all kinds of soil.  Good thing – because sometimes we are all kinds of soil.  And that’s what a generous God does!  Pastor Jean explains, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

July 9, 2023 – No, it’s not a long lost episode of “How I met your mother” – it’s God at work, keeping promises!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service, by clicking here.

July 2, 2023 – The pastors are out, on vacation, but that’s not a problem – worship is about the people of God, and this week the people of God gather again to hear good news and to be sent forth as disciples of Jesus.  Dori Jensen, a graduate of the La Crosse Area Synod School of Theology, leads worship and shares the message.  Join worship, right here.

June 25, 2023 – Pastor John Dumke shares the message and leads worship, with some help from the SOS Band.  Hear the gospel from a new voice!  To join, click here.  To get the bulletin for this service, click here.

June 18, 2023 – Jesus is hard at work…bringing life…and empowering and sending out others to do the same… a group of men…some women…even kids…2000 years ago…and still today!  Pastor Jean shares the message.  Click here to join us.  To get the bulletin for this service, click here. 

June 11, 2023 – Time to hit the road, and be “the church”!  But first…sit…and follow (at the same time?)…and an unexpected twist.  All part of faithful discipleship!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

June 4, 2023 – It’s Holy Trinity…and we haven’t a clue how it works, but we do know what the Trinity does – we experience it! All the way from creation to…right now – God is at work as creator, healer, and renewer – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Pastor Jean explains…right here!  To get the bulletin for this service click here.

May 28, 2023 – It’s the Festival of the Pentecost…the Holy Spirit is loose…and great things are happening!  But…are you sure you can see them all?  There might be a few (or maybe a lot) that you are missing.  The SOS Band leads our 8 AM worship as we ponder life, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

May 21, 2023 – So, what do you want to be when you grow up?  At 10:30 we honor High School grads who are getting closer to answering that question.  But at the 8 AM service, we’re still asking the question, because in the end its not about a career – it’s about living faithfully as disciples of Jesus, and with a baptism in the midst of a gathering the baptized – the question is asked – and answered – by Jesus!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

May 14, 2023 – Mother’s Day bonus!  The Sunday School children sing on Mother’s Day at the 10:30 worship as we come to the end of the “Sunday School Year.”  Catch it, right here.

May 14, 2023 – What? The Holy Spirit? It’s not Pentecost yet! Well, not our fault – Jesus is the one talking the Spirit…and not even the gifts of the Spirit…he’s talking the gift of the Spirit. What’s the difference? Find out by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

May 7, 2023 – Pastor Dione Stepanek, Assistant to Bishop Felix Malpica, joins us and shares the message.  The way is hard to find, the markers we relied are no longer there, so what’s one to do?  Jesus has the answer – “I am the way…”  And that is good news!  Click here to learn more.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

April 30, 2023 – At 10:30 worship the 9th graders affirm their baptism – so what do we do at 8 AM?  We do it too – we affirm the promises made for us, the promises we made, and most importantly the promised GOD made (and keeps!)  Find out more, right here.  Or…check out the 9trh graders at 10:30 by clicking here.  Either way, get the bulletin for these services by clicking here. 

April 23, 2023 – It’s still Easter…and nothing has changed…so what’s the big deal? A question posed for 2000 years…and the answer remains the same…in the breaking of the bread! Find out more, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

April 16, 2023 – Easter continues…drawn from darkness to light…from fear to peace.  Jesus is at work!  Disciples, then Thomas, then…you?  Find out, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service, by clicking here. 

April 9, 2023 – Easter Sunday – and…what just happened?    Mary Magdalene is not so sure.  All she knows is, “I have seen the Lord.”  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 7, 2023 – Good Friday – We hear the “Seven Last Words” of Christ, and ponder what meaning they have, and what difference they make.  Join us right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 6, 2023 – Maundy Thursday – Holy Week continues…and the “Three Days” begin…as Jesus gets “down and dirty.” Come with us as we encounter the loving hands of Jesus, the meal that nourishes and renews, and the calling to get “down and dirty.” Our fifth graders have their First Communion, and the altar is stripped as we are immersed in the “Three Days.”  Click here to join our worship.  Get the bulletin for this worship right here.

April 2, 2023 – “Palm Sunday,” aka “Sunday of the Passion” and Holy Week has begun!  We look ahead to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday by hearing the story in its fullness from Matthew.  But first, the Hosannas ring out!  From palms to nails…the journey begins.  The Senior Choir and the Bells of Joy join us.  You can join us too, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 30, 2023 – One last midweek Wednesday…one more time singing Holden Evening Prayer…and then, looking ahead, the party. What party? Find out, right here!  Get the worship folder for this service by clicking here.

March 26, 2023 – “Unbind him!” Words to restore life…words to Lazarus, and words spoken to us. The SOS Band join us as we get a sneak preview of Easter, a “foretaste of the feast to come!”  Find out about bindings…unbinding…and life…right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 22, 2023 – Another Wednesday…more Holden Evening Prayer…and this time, it’s Valentine’s Day!  Angels all around, love everywhere, but nowhere more than in the care of a condemned man…and maybe his mother?  Bonnie Goodenough leads our worship.  Catch it all, right here.  Get the worship folder for this service by clicking here. 

March 19, 2023 – What if you could write your own gospel story…about your life…and Jesus?  Give it a try as we hear the story of a blind man who sees – really sees!  Join us right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 15, 2023 – Midweek Lenten worship…with Holden Evening Prayer led by Dean Olson. This week we take a bit of a dive, into the tunnels…and visit French Creek Freddie and his family – groundhogs! Seriously, they have a message to share. Not about sun, shadows, and clouds, but of Easter, Good Friday, and hope. Check it out, right here.  Get the worship folder for this service by clicking here.

March 12, 2023 – Moving on through John…a woman, water, and Jesus.  Hear the story, join in a bit of a “Lenten hymn sing,” and ponder the power of water then, now, and eternally!  Dori Jensen leads worship, with some help from the World Hunger Ministry team.  Click here to join our worship.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 8, 2023 – Wednesday…and again, Holden Evening Prayer, this time with Dori Jensen leading our worship.  This week we take a journey, way back, “following the star,” so to speak, back to an ancient time, filled with old memories and new discoveries.  Join the journey, right here.   Get the worship folder for this service by clicking here. 

March 5, 2023 – John 3:16…with a bit of bite and dash of the Holy Spirit.  More than just a sign at a football game!  Find out how, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 1 – Wednesdays in Lent mean “Holden Evening Prayer!”  The Bells of Joy get us started, and Naoko Giblin leads our worship, while we explore the “Holidays of Lent,” with the first chapter – “Where Are The Pickles?”  Click here to join our worship.  Get the worship folder for this service right here. 

February 26, 2023 – The devil is on the loose…full of promises and temptations…so what’s one to do?  Remember who we are by remembering whose we are!  Worked for Jesus – Pastor Jean explains how it works for us…right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

February 22, 2023 – Ash Wednesday – There’s a winter storm out there…and inside we are gathering to begin the journey of Lent. But just where is your heart…and your treasure? More importantly, where is God’s treasure and heart?  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

February 19, 2023 – Heading up the mountain with Jesus, and then…where to next?  Join the SOS Band and the choir, as we discover “the other side of the journey.”  Click here!  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

February 12, 2023 – Making a list and checking it twice…is your checklist complete?  Here’s a thought – forget the checklist.  Just let it all soak in!  But…don’t forget to follow the dots too…  Want to know more?  Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

February 5, 2023 – Blessed to be…salty and bright?  And then…reviled and persecuted?  The call of the disciple…but also the promise of God’s presence…even to the end of the age!  Find out what salt and light have to do with faithful living by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

January 29, 2023 – Blessings…seriously?  The way life is going?  I’m not sure about that, but then again…blessings aren’t about happiness.  They are about so much more!  Find out, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

January 22, 2023 – Times are tough…and God…where is God in all of this?  It’s the paradox that faith clings to – God is much more active than you could ever imagine – really!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

January 15, 2023 – “Come and see”…”See and go”… Just what do we see?  And then what?  The disciples 2000 years ago…disciples today…it’s all part of the journey!  To join us, click here.   Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

January 8, 2023 – Same old, same old, right?  Or is there something new afoot?  Is God really up to something in the midst of a difficult world?  Click here to find out!  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

January 1, 2023 – It’s New Year’s, but we are also still in the midst of the Christmas season. So…Happy New Year, and Merry Christmas! This week our worship is a time of devotion and contemplation to begin the new year – Pastor Dione Stepanek, Assistant to Bishop Felix Malpica, shares the message, and we enjoy one last time the best “sounds of the season.”  Click here to join our worship.

December 24, 2022 – We are finally there, at the manger, gazing upon the Christ child.  The big move has been made, we’ve been “carded,” and we have discovered the wondrous truth – it’s all for us!  Click here to join our worship, and get the bulletin for this service right here.  

2022 Choir Christmas Cantata – presented during worship December 18, 2022 – click here!

December 18, 2022 – We are almost there…the fourth candle on the wreath is lit…and the choir gets us ready with “Christmas Noels.” The message of the season on word and song.  Join us as we get every closer to the manger, by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

2022 Sunday School Christmas Program – December 11 and the kids are sharing the message of the season. The new baby, the hope of Christmas, the gift of life!  Click here for the video, and right here to download the bulletin.

December 11, 2022 – It’s a 2000 year-old question – “Are you the one, or should we look for another?”  Is Jesus really the one?  Or did we miss out?  Hmmm…tough call…but maybe the “Advent spirit” will help.  Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

December 4, 2022 – Another week, some more steps toward the manger…but hey, lots of curves and hills on this path.  Just like everyday life.  So, lots to do.  But in the end, I’m not much of a road builder.  Pastor Jean, however, knows someone who is.  And guess what?  He’s hard at work!  Join us right here, to learn more!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

November 30, 2022 – Hanging of the Greens! Members of the 7th/8th grade confirmation classes assist Pastor Jean in “hanging the greens” and helping us ponder the symbols of the season.  Join us right here. 

November 27, 2022 – Advent begins…and as we look ahead to the manger, we are also waiting and watching for the return of the Christ.  But in the meantime…eyes wide open, seeing where God is at work in our world, and where God uses our hands to do that work.  All part of everyday, faithful living!  Click here to find out more.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 20, 2022 – It’s the King as you never imagined a king to be…but that’s what we get…because God is up to big stuff that we could never predict!  Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

November 13, 2022 – We are right there, on the cusp of the end…and what are we doing?  Planting apple trees?  Why not?  Jesus, says, “Do not be terrified.”  So instead, we are faithful!  Find out more, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 6, 2022 – All Saints!  All the saints!  Hey, they are everywhere!  Come and find out about the saints, and take a moment to reflect on the saints in your life…and those who someday will give thanks for the ways you shared God’s blessing with them.  Click here!   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.  

October 29-30, 2022 – It’s Reformation Sunday…a history lesson…and why it matters! (Hint: it’s about Jesus!) The choir sings, the brass plays, Bibles are shared, and Jesus is proclaimed. Doesn’t get any better than this!  To find out all about it, click here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

October 22-23, 2022 – It’s Festive Fourth, and the band is rocking!  Pastor Jon shares the message, pondering a text that might have been great…for next week!  And what’s the point?  The “doing” matters.  But who does the “doing” matters even more!  Find out why, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

October 15-16, 2022 – A story about an unfair judge reminds us we live in an unfair world.  And what do we need?  A fair God?  Nope!  The last thing we need is a God who is fair!  Why?  Pastor Jon explains – find out right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

October 8-9, 2022 – A blessing…and life. Then, a second blessing…and something even better!  Jesus at work in the lives of those thought to be pretty much dead.  And Jesus at work in our lives!  To find out, click here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

October 1-2, 2022 – Needed:  more faith!  Or…maybe just a new perspective on faith.  Maybe you already have all you need…a gift of God through water and word… for Adelyn this morning…as she is baptized today…and for all us living out our baptisms every day!  Pastor Jean tells you all about it…right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

September 24-25, 2022 – It’s “Festive Fourth,” and the band leads our worship.  Meanwhile, Pastor Jon ponders a text easy to preach…but hard to hear!  Click here to join us.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

September 17-18, 2022 – Money…again? Doesn’t the church always talk about money? No…but Jesus talks about it a lot…and for good reason…for life…yours and mine!  Find out by clicking here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

September 10-11, 2022 – So, what am I? One of the 99…or one of the one…or…???  Sheep are wandering, coins are lost, but God is at work!  Find out how, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

September 3-4, 2022 – Labor (as in “Labor Day”)…the cross (as in “carrying it like Jesus”)…our calling (as on our baptismal “journey”)…all rolled into one.  How?  Join us to find out – click here!   Get the bulletin for this service right here.

August 27-28, 2022 – She’s back! Pastor Jean returns from sabbatical, while Jesus shows up at a banquet. And yes, the two are connected…find out how…right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

August 20-21, 2022 – It’s really quite simple.  It is all about love.  2000 years ago a crippled woman discovered that truth – and today, we continue to discover the power and life that comes from a particular love – the love of God through Jesus.  Simple, isn’t it?  Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

August 13-14, 2022 – Really, could we have some good news here?  Like maybe, Jesus loves us?  OK, you got it – just make sure you understand what that all means…for you…and for others!  Find out, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

August 6-7, 2022 – Heading up…and around…and over and over…will it ever end?  And are we alone in this journey, or is God’s promise reliable?  Abraham knew…and gazing upon the cross, so do we!  Find out more, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

July 30-31, 2022 – Pastor Kris again…and Jesus again…and the gospel again…with a challenge…and with good news…again!  Click here…  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

July 23-24, 2022 – Pastor Kris returns, as Pastor Jon is out of town.  Sometimes we feel like we don’t have a prayer, but Jesus does…and Jesus shares that prayer with us, along with the invitation to connect with God, again and again and again…   Click here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

July 16-17, 2022 – So, a man walks into a bar…oops…wrong story!  This one is about a man walking a path…and changing a life.  Who is it?  Maybe…it’s YOU!  Check it out, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

July 9-10, 2022 – Lynette Ender shares the message – It’s Martha…it’s Mary…it’s…Jesus! Ponder the dilemma – service or the Word? Or maybe both? Lynette Ender shares the message. Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

July 2-3, 2022 – Pastor Rose joins us, and shares the message.  Check out a fresh voice proclaiming “the old, old story!”  Join us by clicking here. Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

June 25-26, 2022 – Jesus loves you…and there’s more to the story than “going” to church.  How much more?  LOT’S MORE!  Click here to find out what’s up.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

June 18-19, 2022 – Demons, drowning pigs, and Jesus turning down a disciple?  Hardly the story we expect.  So what if we thought if this as a three act drama…and see if we can find…ourselves?  Click here to discover more!  Pastor Jon shares the message, and the SOS Band shares the music.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

June 11-12, 2022 – It’s Holy Trinity…a child is baptized…the La Crosse Area Synod Assembly is meeting…and surprise – Bishop Malpica is our preacher!  Find out about “wild lament and whirling dance” – empowered by the Holy Spirit!  Click here to find out more!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

June 4-5, 2022 – It’s Pentecost!  Party time!  Maybe…or maybe just a moment to reflect and rejoice even in troubled times.  Start with a bunch of disciples and a blind man on the road.  Find out if it’s a rush of the wind, some new wine, or the relentless presence of the Spirit at work.  Check it out, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

May 28-29, 2022 – What time is it?  Beats me!  Only the Father knows…and he’s not telling.  So what’s a disciple to do?  Just stay faithful!  Find out more, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

May 21-22, 2022 – If only the walls could talk…just what would they say?  Today?  Years ago?  And what would the walls in here…say out there?  And what does Jesus have to do with all of this?  Find out…right here!   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

May 14-15, 2022 – Generous love leads to generous lives…or is it generous lives lead to generous love…it’s the chicken or the egg, all over again. Except this time, it’s powered by the crucified and risen Jesus!  Find out how and why, right here!   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.  

May 7-8, 2022 – An intriguing story, an old favorite, and the Gospel – words by which to live, serve, and thrive – for a child being baptized, and for all the rest who continue to live out their baptisms!  Pastor Jon shares the message, and the SOS Band is back!  Join us, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 30-May 1, 2022 – Let’s see, the tomb is empty…Jesus has appeared to us at least twice…we’ve been giving the Holy Spirit…What would you do?  Peter and the disciples know what to do!  They go fishing.  Seriously?  But in the end, it’s Jesus with the insight of a fishing guide, the breakfast of champions, and a “re-commissioning” to share.  Check it out, right here!   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

April 23-24, 2022 – Well, he’s at it again!  Even after the passion of Good Friday and the wonder of Easter, Jesus just can’t stop breaking barriers!  What’s it going to be this time?  Find out, right here!   Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 17, 2022 – It’s the Resurrection of Our Lord!  But…have you seen the news lately?  Does it matter in a world so broken and messed up?  A crowd gathers at 8:30 AM to peer into the tomb, to see the tomb empty, and then?  Find out by clicking here; get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 17, 2022 – Easter Dawn Devotions…hey, is it Easter yet?  And will any of this matter anyway?  If the world is “cup half empty, ” how does the resurrection change all that?  Find out, by clicking here.  Get the worship aids for this service by clicking here.

April 15, 2022 – Good Friday is upon us, and we gather at the foot of the cross to hear the words…the “seven last words”…spoken to a crowd 2000 years ago, and spoken to us.  What can Jesus day to give us a sense of meaning on this day, many years later?  Click here to find out!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 14, 2022 – Maundy Thursday…the “Three Days” begins…and we gather as Jesus did…and as Jesus does today with us in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. In that spirit, Pastor Jean ponders “The Lord’s Supper,” and what’s in a name…  Click here to join our worship, and get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 10, 2022 – As part of the Sunday of the Passion, the Bells of Joy shared “Ode to Joy.”  As we enter the Holiest of Weeks, filled with passion, sorrow, and then death, we still have an eye on the glimmer of light beyond the cross – and with that hope, we celebrate an “ode to joy!”  Click here to enjoy the music and reflect on the anguish…and joy…that is part of this day…and this “holy week.”

April 9-10, 2022 – The Sunday of the Passion…aka “Palm Sunday”…after celebrating with palms, it’s time to focus on the passion of Jesus…a really good time for the preacher to get out of the way…and to hear the story…a story that has brought life and hope for 2000 years…and still does today!  Join the procession, hear the story, and walk the path of the passion, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

April 6, 2022 – One more stop on our Lenten journey, and the daily journey in the life of the baptized…to infinity and beyond! Well, maybe not quite that far, but far enough, as our journey takes us to new places and new people, some a distance, and some just down the block.  Join the journey right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

April 2-3, 2022 – What happens when you take a dinner, some costly perfume, and a full head of hair – and then add Jesus?  Find out, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 30, 2022 – The journey moves on, this time to a different “sacred space.”  Can the Body of Christ be in two places (or more) at once?  Or can the Body of Christ even be in one, and only one, place?  Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 26-27, 2022 – A familiar story, with a few surprising twists.  Just who is the Prodigal Son, what’s he going to do next, and have you looked in the mirror lately?  No riddles, just the unexpected, and whole lot of grace!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 23, 2022 – We are still moving on the Lenten journey – and our baptismal journey – and our journey around town as this week we stop off at Jones Chiropractic and ponder the stewardship of health. Caring for the gift of our physical self, but also putting in the perspective of all the gifts of life throught the crucified Christ.  Join the journey, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 19-20, 2022 – The sharp side of the Gospel – the call to repentance – even as bad things happen to good people, and good things to bad.  What might that mean for you?  Pastor Jean explains, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 16, 2022 – We’re still on the move – our Lenten journey – our baptismal journey – our journey around town continues as this week we stop off at Le Coulee Cheese Castle, otherwise known as “Nick’s.” What’s up? Hey, we’re hungry, in more ways than one! Come find out how food, in a variety of forms, a part of our journey(s).  Join us, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 12-13, 2022 – It’s a tough world out there…and all Jesus can come up with is a fox, a hen, and few chicks? Well, maybe a little more! Find out what Jesus is up to, right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

March 9, 2022 – The Lenten journey – and our baptismal journey – and our journey around town continues as we head to the Holthaus Farm. What do corn stalks have to do with Jesus?  Find out right here!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.  

March 5-6, 2022 – The journey to the cross has begun, but is Jesus really up to the task?  The devil is about to find out!  Join us right here, for the answer!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

March 2, 2022 – It’s Ash Wednesday, and the journey of Lent begins – literally and figuratively as we begin to journey throughout West Salem, discovering what Lent is about.  This week – we start by knowing ourselves.  Curious?  Join us right here to find out more!  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

February 26-27, 2022 – Pastor Dione Stepanek, Assistant to Bishop Felix Malpica, joins us (virtually) to share the message – we’re up on the mountain, the view is awesome, and we are loving it! Now what?  Find out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

February 19-20, 2022 – Jesus just can’t help himself – he’s turning our world, and our expectations upside down yet again!  Find out how, and what it means for you, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

February 12-13, 2022 –  A “cringe-worthy” moment, courtesy of Jesus.  And still, God’s glory is revealed!  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

February 5-6, 2022 – Well, what can we say, other than, that is a real “fish” story!  And you think you’ve had some good catches, see what Simon comes up with!  Big catch…until Jesus “ups the ante.”  Check it out, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

January 29-30, 2022 – The rest of the story (from last week)…and it’s quite the twist!  And yet, maybe it has a lot to do with what’s happening “today.”  You can find out more by join us right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

January 22-23, 2022 – Today!  Really, like right here, right now?  Yep – that’s what Jesus says!  Pastor Jean shares the power of Words – Jesus’ Words.  Click right here to learn more.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

January 15-16, 2022 – Hey, so Jesus can change water into wine.  But can he make Hot Chocolate?  Or maybe it’s not about the wine?  It’s about something else?  Find out,right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here. 

January 8-9, 2022 – It’s the Baptism of Our Lord, which means…time to ponder baptism…dimly burning wicks…discipleship…and Jesus.  Ready to dive in ?  Click right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.   To join in the “Renewal of Baptism,” click here to download the order.

January 2, 2021 – We take a stroll through a very odd story – do three (or however many there were) “wisemen” have any relevancy for us today?  Let’s see…uncertain journeys, strange gifts, powerful bullies, ordinary people, and a baby…but where does this all take us?  Click here to join us and find out!  Get the bulletin for this service right here.

December 26, 2021 – Wendy Amundson leads our worship, with a “video visit” from Bishop Felix Malpica.  We hear again the Christmas story, and enjoy the music of the season.  Join us right here.  Get the bulletin for this service right here.  

December 24-25, 2021 – Christmas Eve worship!  We hear the Christmas gospel, celebrate with music, and ponder with a message – is there hope?  Or just a lot of “nope?”  Find out, right here.

And then…off to the farm!  Christmas Eve from a barn!  Out at the Holthaus farm, as we “zoomed” our worship – and even the cows joined in!  Join us, by clicking here.

December 18-19, 2021 – Almost there!  This week, it’s Mary, singing the praise of a God who turns the tables upside down.  Mary’s Magnificat sets the stage for us – just who is the “doer” and who is the “doee” of the Gospel?  Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service, right here. 

December 15, 2021 – Still on the journey…and this week the children share the message.  Join our worship, and discover the good news – “Do not be afraid!”  Click here

December 11-12, 2021 – After last week, still more John the Baptist. His message is simple and difficult at the same time. Maybe burning a little chaff would help? And can we really be generous? Even in these trying times? Find out more, right here.  Get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

December 8, 2021 – Heading toward the manger…we ponder the grief, the hope, and the celebration of the season.  Join us right here. 

December 4-5, 2021 – The journey continues…to the manger…to discipleship…to Jesus!   Find out more, right here.   Get the bulletin for this service, right here.

December 1, 2021 – the Advent journey is underway, and we gather for the “hanging of the greens.”  We hear God’s word, we sing, and we ponder the message of the decorations, as they point us to what the season is really about.  Not just a child, but the presence of God in that child, who in the fullness of time, will be the Christ of the cross and the resurrection!  Come and join us as we really “deck the halls!”  Click here to walk with us…   Get the bulletin for this service right here.

November 27-28, 2021 – It’s the first Sunday of Advent!  We begin the Advent journey by going back…to the past…the future…and the now.  Where will we find God at work?  Find out by clicking here.   To follow along with our worship, get the bulletin for this service right here.

November 24, 2021 – Thanksgiving Eve!  Reflecting on the story of the ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19), Pastor Jean shares the message on “thank you” and relationships. Check it out right here.

November 20-21, 2021 – Christ the King…stands…on trial?  Can it be true?  But then again, what is truth?  Find out, right here!  To follow along with our worship, get the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

November 13-14, 2021 – The end of time – about the future…or about the present?  To find out, click here.   To follow along with our worship, get the bulletin for this service by clicking here. 

November 6-7, 2021 – It’s All Saints Sunday – are you “saint” material?  The answer just might surprise you – find out more as Pastor Jean shares the message.  Click hereto join our worship.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here. 

October 30-31, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the Reformation story, and ponders how it connects with Halloween.  Don’t fret – God is bigger than the boogy man!  Get all the details, right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here. 

October 23-24, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on eyes, coats, wholeness, and disciples.  All wrapped up in Bartimaeus.  Find out more right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

October 16-17, 2021 – Ah, greatness!  It’s just not what you think it is!  Pastor Jean explains, right here.  To follow along get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

October 9-10, 2021 – So, what would you do???  Give it ALL up for Jesus?  The “rich young man” couldn’t do it…but is there more to the story?   Come, join the journey, and let’s find out!  Click here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

October 2-3, 2021 – Pastor Kris Bjerke-Ulliman joins us again, as Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean are on vacation.  Join us by clicking here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

September 25-26, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on what it means to be “salty disciples.”  Join us, right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here. 

September 18-19, 2021 – Pastor Jean considers the relationship between Boxing Day, discipleship, and Jesus.  Check it out, right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

September 11-12, 2021 – Pastor Jon explores what he thinks is the core passage in the Gospel of Mark – but does it mean anything to us today?  On this weekend?  In the midst of Covid?  To find out, click here. To follow, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

September 4-5, 2021 – Pastor Jean wonders about ills, healing, and exactly what Jesus is up to these days.  Join our worship by clicking here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking right here.   To download the list of needs for Afghan refugees, click here.

August 28-29, 2021 – Think this through…can you be what you are created to be if you don’t first know what you are???  Pastor Jon ponders that one, in light of the words of Jesus.  Come, and explore with us, right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

August 21-22, 2021 – Pastor Kris Bjerke-Ulliman joins us as Pastor Jean and Pastor Jon are out and about, on vacation.   Hear a new voice proclaim the good news of Jesus!  Join our worship by clicking here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service right here.

August 14-15, 2021 – Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean are on vacation, but the Spirit is here…and so are Carolyn, Lynette, and Linda.  Carolyn tells her story – you won’t want to miss it, so come, join our worship by clicking here!   To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service right here.

August 7-8, 2021 – The bread of life…still…but is it still fresh?  Pastor Jean wonders…find out more by clicking here.  Meanwhile, Lynette Ender and Linda Berg share the music.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service right here.

July 31-August 1, 2021 – Pastor Jon continues to explore bread.  Has it spoiled yet?  Find out by clicking here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship serviceright here. 

July 24-25, 2021 – Pastor Jon ponders “the possibilities” we can imagine.  But what if we could imagine what…we cannot imagine?  What then?  And what does that have to do with a fish sandwich?  To find out, click here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here. 

July 17-18, 2021 – Pastor Jean wonders about being fed, nourished and satisfied.  What’s the point?  Find out, right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

July 10-11, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on the politics and the economics of a very strange story!  Hear it all, right here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service right here. 

July 3-4, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the message – what Jesus are we looking for? And what’s Jesus got in store for us?  Click here  to find out…and to  follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service right here.

  • July 3-4, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  How can we be free, and at the same time not free?  Find out what Martin Luther says…right here!

June 26-27, 2-21 – Pastor Jon shares a message for the confirmation class and everyone else sitting in the pews. Really, a message for all the baptized!  Click here…and to follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service right here.

  • June 26-27, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message with a bit of help from Pastor Jon, jelly bean, a pepper, and a few more goodies!  Click here!

June 19-20, 2021 – Pastor Jean preaches on boats, storms, and faith.  Jesus too!  Are you in control?  Hope not!  Click here to find out more.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

  • June 19-20, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  Boats on calm water – love it!  But when a storm comes up?  Better wake up Jesus!  Oh wait, Jesus is already here!  Click here to find out more!

June 12-13 – Pastor Jon preaches on seeds, bushes, and faithfulness.  Join us right here!  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

  • June 12-13, 2021 – Pastor Jean wonders what will become of little seeds – and of the gifts of God in young lives…click here to learn more!
  • June 13, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

June 5-6, 2021 – It’s “strong man Sunday” – Pastor Jon shares what Jesus is up to when the strong man’s house is entered.  Seriously???  Click here to find out!  Marty Frank, Linda Berg, and the Bells of Joy share the music.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

  • June 5-6, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  It’s all about family!  Learn more, right here.
  • June 6, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

May 29-30, 2021 – Ever wonder about the “Patron Saint of Curious Christians?”  Hey, there is one!  Pastor Jean has the answers.  Find out more, by joining us right here.   Ruby Kerkman and Linda Berg share the music.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

  • May 29-30, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  In the church…or in the world?  We go on a field trip, so join us by clicking here.
  • May 30, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

May 22-23, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the message on the Holy Spirit, as we celebrate Pentecost and acknowledge our High School graduates.  Click here to join us!   To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

  • To watch the graduate recognition, recorded earlier, click here.
  • May 22-23, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  It’s just hot air…or maybe…it’s the Holy Spirit!  Find out more, right here.
  • May 22-23, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

May 15-16, 2021 – Pastor Jon ponders…have things really changed all that much?  Lynette Ender shares special music as we worship with the Saturday crowd.  Click here.  To follow along, get the bulletin for this worship service by clicking here.

  • May 15-16, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  Ascension Day?  I’m confused!  Don’t worry – Jesus…and the Holy Spirit are with us!  Find out more, right here.
  • May 16, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org).

May 8-9, 2021 – Pastor Jean preaches on just what loving others is all about, while Dean Olson and Linda Berg share the music.  Worship is right here!

  • May 8-9, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  Got friends?  Jesus says, “Love them!”  But what about everyone else?  Find out right here.
  • May 9, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

May 1-2, 2021 – Pastor Jon reflects on vines, branches, and Jesus.  Naoko Giblin and Linda Berg share the music.  Join us, right here!

  • May 1-2, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  What’s wrong with light, and why won’t the branch bud?  Find the answer, right here.
  • May 2, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

April 24-25, 2021 – Pastor Jean takes a fresh look at an old favorite – the 23rd Psalm.  Dori Jensen and Linda Berg share the music.  Click here!

  • April 24-25, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  Do I really want to be a sheep? If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, you bet I do!  Find out more, right here.
  • April 25, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

April 17-18, 2021 -Pastor Jon shares the message on why “incarnation” isn’t just for Christmas…or even just for Scripture…it’s for today!  Eric Sorenson and Linda Berg provide the music.  Join our worship, by clicking here.

  • April 17-18, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  Yes, you too can be a witness!  Find out more, right here.
  • April 18, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

April 10-11, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the message on Thomas and the witness of the risen Jesus that renews our lives.  Lynette Ender, Angela Vick, and Linda Berg provide the music.  Right here

  • April 10-11, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message on believing what you never saw.  How can we do that?  Click here to find out!
  • April 11, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

April 4, 2021 – The Resurrection of Our Lord!  Pastor Jon shares the message, the choir, Dean Olson, and Linda Berg share the music, and we take a “sunrise field trip.”  Click here

April 4, 2021 – Zoom worship at the Lion’s Shelter – watch the recording by clicking here. 

  • April 4, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!  Click here
  • April 4, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

April 2, 2021 – Good Friday and the Service of Tenebrae – come and reflect on what God has done for us through the crucified Jesus!  Right here

April 1, 2021 – Maundy Thursday worship, as we begin the journey through the passion of Jesus.  Click here

March 27-28, 2021 -Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Passion!  Join us as we celebrate with “Hosannas,” and then look ahead to this most holy week!  Pastor Jon shares a brief message, while Melissa Haldeman, Carla Burkhardt, and Linda Berg provide the music.  Click here.

  • March 27-28, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  It’s Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Passion, so let’s take a look at the week ahead…it’s a big one!  Click here to join the journey!
  • March 28, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

March 24, 2021 – Midweek Lenten worship, with Holden Evening Prayer.  The choir and other musicians share the music.  This week, we hear and reflect on the observations of a lot of folk, sharing where they see God’s work and presence in our world.  Hear their stories, and see where it takes us, by clicking here.

March 20-21, 2021 – It’s been one year since we worshiped in the sanctuary, and that year has been long and heavy. Is God still at work in our world? Pastor Jon shares the message, while Andy Bakkum and Linda Berg provide the music.  Click here

  • March 20-21, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  What kind of “magnetism” does God have?  Find out, right here!
  • March 21, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

March 17, 2021 – Midweek Lenten worship, with Holden Evening Prayer.  The choir and other musicians share the music.  This week, Emily Steele shares her insights on where we might see God at work in our world during challenging and difficult days.  Click here

March 14, 2021 – Pastor Jean preaches on the wilderness…the light…and Jesus.  Jen Linse and Linda Berg share the music.  Click here!

  • March 13-14, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message – all about John 3:16 – more than just a sign at a football game!  Learn more, right here.
  • March 14, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

March 10, 2021 – Midweek Lenten worship, with Holden Evening Prayer.  The choir and other musicians share the music.  Brian and Jen Linse join us as we continue to explore where we see God at work in our world during challenging and difficult days.  Click here

March 6-7, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on repenting from “churchiness.”  I love the church, and I love my church, but am in it for the church, or for Jesus?  Dori Jensen and Linda Berg share the music.  Click here

  • March 6-7, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  It’s spring cleaning…and what are you cleaning out these days?  Right here!
  • March 7, 2021 –  Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

March 3, 2021 – Midweek Lenten worship, with Holden Evening Prayer.  The choir and other musicians share the music.  With some help from Corey Sjoquist and his 6th grade confirmation class, we ponder where we see God at work in our world these days.  Right here.

February 27-28, 2021 – Pastor Jean preaches on predictions…and truth…and failure…and grace.  Ruby Kerkman  and Linda Berg provide the music.  Click here…

  • February 27-28, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  Winning chocolate kisses or sharing the cross?  What will it be? Find out, right here!
  • February 28, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

February 24, 2021 – Midweek Lenten worship, singing Holden Evening Prayer, with the choir and other musicians sharing the music.  Pastor Jon leads us as we ponder where we see God at work in our world these days.  Click here.

February 20-21, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on the wilderness journey.  We are headed for the cross, but we’ve got company along the way!  Carla Burkhardt and Linda Berg provide the music.  Click here!

  • February 20-21, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message – can you make a rainbow with Skittles? God makes rainbows all the time – gifts of grace!  Find out all about it, right here.
  • February 21, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

February 17, 2021 – Ash Wednesday!

  • Ash Wednesday video worship – Pastor Jon reflects on what we are, and what God makes us to be.  No ashes this year, but lots of water!  Join us right here.
  • Interim Bishop Chris Boerger of the La Crosse Area Synod shares a brief devotion as we begin the journey of Lent.  Click here

February 13-14, 2021 – Pastor Jean preaches on everything from cats, to forms and figures, and even…Jesus!  Marty Frank and Linda Berg provide the music.  See how it all comes together, right here.

  • February 13-14, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message as we think about Alleluia, what it means for us, and then…as we prepare for Lent…we bury the Alleluia!  Click here to join us.
    • Hey, want your own “alleluias” to bury?  Watch the children’s message, and download some alleluias by clicking here!
  • February 14, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

February 6-7, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on a rather mundane, normal day in the mission of Jesus – and the faithful living of God’s people. Find out how, in these very difficult days, not much has changed!  Bonny Goodenough and Linda Berg share the music.  Join us, right here.  A REPOST of the worship service to correct some audio issues that some have encountered is available by clicking here. 

  • February 6-7, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the message for children – how can we be a part of the mission of Jesus?  Find out, right here.
  • February 7, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

January 30-31, 2021 – Pastor Jean preaches on the power – and authority – of words – Jesus words!  Dean Olson and Linda Berg share the music.  Click here.

  • January 30-31, 2021 – Just what is the Word of God for us, and how can we tell?  Pastor Jon shares some insights for kids.  Right here.
  • January 31, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

January 23-24, 2021 – Pastor Jon preaches on what we get – and what we are called to do – when we follow Jesus.  Naoko Giblin and Linda Berg provide the music.  Join us, right here.

  • January 23-24, 2021 – For the children’s message Pastor Jean is going fishing!   What kind of bait should she use?  Find out, right here.
  • January 24, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

January 16-17, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the message on being lost…and being found.  Lynette Ender and Linda Berg provide the music.  Click here.

  • January 16-17, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  What’s it all about?  “Come and see!”  And click right here
  • January 17, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

January 9-10, 2021 – We remember baptisms from last year, as well as years gone by, and Melissa Haldeman and Linda Berg share the music.  Pastor Jon shares the message – in light of political unrest and a pandemic, does the baptism of Jesus mean a thing to us?  Find out, right here!

  • January 9-10, 2021 – Pastor Jean shares the Children’s Message.  What’s your baptism mean to you?  And do you know when you were baptized?  Find out…and learn more, right here.
  • January 10, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

January 2-3, 2021 – The new year begins, and Pastor Jean puts it in the perspective of the manger, the light that shines in the darkness, and the presence of God in our midst.  Jen Linse and Linda Berg share the gifts of music.  Click here to see what it’s all about.

  • January 2-3, 2021 – Pastor Jon shares the Children’s Message – is it really about changing a “zero” to a “one?”  Or is there more to the story???  Find out, right here. 
  • January 3, 2021 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

December 26-27, 2020 – Through “lessons and carols” we take a peek back at the Christmas story, from the prophecy to fulfillment to God’s ongoing promises. We also celebrate and give thanks for healthcare works who are a part of God’s work in our world today!  To join in our “peeking,” click here.

  • December 27, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

December 24, 2020 – Christmas Eve!  The building may be empty, but the manger is not!

  • Zoom worship – a recording of the 3 PM worship with Holy Communion.  Join, right here.
  • Christmas worship – carols, message, children’s message, and lots of music!  Click here.

December 19-20, 2020 – the fourth Sunday of Advent, and Pastor Jon preaches on Mary, teachers, healthcare workers, and “Here I am…”  Join the worship, right here.

  • December 19-20, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message as we are almost ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus!  Click here.
  • December 20, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

December 16, 2020 – we are getting closer…closer to the manger!  We complete the “Hanging of the Greens” with the children, as they share the message of the “Miracle in the Manger.”  Hear their witness by joining us right here.

December 12-13, 2020 – Pastor Jean preaches, and challenges us to consider what we are…and what we are not.  Marty Frank and Linda Berg share the music.  Ask yourself the question, right here!

  • December 12-13, 2020 – It’s the children’s message… and Pastor Jon’s shoe is untied!  Are you good enough to tie it for him? Maybe, but what about Jesus – are you worthy to tie HIS shoes?  Check it out, right here. 
  • December 13, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

December 9, 2020 – The Advent journey continues as we continue to “hang the greens.”  More symbols, more meaning, more good news!  Join us right here. 

December 5-6, 2020 – Pastor Jon preaches on what was…and sometimes still is…”long” crooked, while Melissa Haldeman and Linda Berg share the music.  Click here.

  • December 5-6, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message on…being a messenger!  Right here.
  • December 6, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

December 2, 2020 – The Advent journey kicks into high gear as we “Hang the Greens (part 1).”  A time of reflection on the symbols of the season as we prepare the coming of the Christ Child.  Join the journey, right here!

November 28-29, 2020 – We begin Advent and the journey to the manger.  Pastor Jean preaches on waiting, promises, and hope, while Carla Burkhardt and Linda Berg provide the music.  Join the journey right here. 

  • November 28-29, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message – this is a time of waiting and looking ahead!  Click here to find out more!
  • November 29, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

November 25, 2020 – We take some time on Thanksgiving Eve to consider abundance, gifts, dessert, and Jesus.  Join us right here.

November 21-2020 – Pastor Jon ponders “sacramental” encounters in unexpected places.  Dean Olson and Linda Berg provide the music.  Check it out right here. 

  • November 21-22, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message – being thankful to Jesus in many ways!  Click here.
  • November 22, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

November 14-15. 2020 – Pastor Jean preaches on waiting, weariness, judgement…and grace!  Jen Linse and Linda Berg share the music.  Click here.

  • November 14-15, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the message with children. What do you do when wait is really hard, especially these days? Find out right here.
  • November 15, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

November 7-8, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the message on a variety of generosities, including our reaching out to those around us in various ways. From the aftermath of the election, to a canceled Norwegian dinner, to a giving tree that is still in our midst, we have opportunities to be generous, but always grounded in God’s generosity to us.  Lynette Ender and Linda Berg share the music.  Join us right here.

  • November 7-8, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares a lesson on stewardship.  Click here!
  • November 8, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

October 31-November 1, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the message.  How do saints, the Beatitudes, and the upcoming election (or any election really) connect?  Find out!  Andy Bakkum shares the music with Linda Berg, as we remember the saints.  Click here to join us.

  • October 31-Nov 1, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message, pondering what it means to be “blessed” by God.  Right here!
  • November 1, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

October 24-25, 2020 – Pastor Jean ponders the truth (which truth?) and freedom (what freedom?)  Melissa Haldeman and Linda Berg share the music.  Catch it all right here!

  • October 24-25, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  Here’s a question…how is God like a garage?  Find out, right here! 
  • October 25, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

October 17-18, 2020 – Bishop Jim Arends joins us with the message, while Marty Frank and Linda Berg share the music.  See it all, right here.

  • October 17-18, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  Do you know whose name is on you?  Find out, right here.
  • October 18, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

October 10-11, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the message on a supper that will not be denied. Dori Jensen and Linda Berg share the music.  Join us, right here.

  • October 10-11. 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  What if you planned a party…and no one showed up?  Find out, right here.
  • October 11, 2020 – Sunday School!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

October 3-4, 2020 – We take a field trip to several farms and gardens, as we give thanks for the harvest that has been gathered, and look to future with confidence. Even in the time of Covid! Pastor Jon shares the message, which Dean Olson and Linda Berg share the music.  “Travel” with us, right here!

  • October 3-4, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message, with some help of a tour guide.  Trenton leads us around the garden, as we give thanks for all the goodies God has provided!  Check out the garden, and the gifts of life, by clicking here. 
  • October 4, 2020 – Sunday School continues!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

September 26-27, 2020 – Pastor Jon preaches on “authority” – it might not quite what you think it is!  Linda Berg and Naoko Giblin share the music.  Join our worship right here.

  • September 26-27, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  “Riddle me this…!”  Can you answer the riddle of Jesus and his authority?  The answer…is right here.
  • September 27, 2020 – Sunday School is on!  For copies of worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

September 19-20, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the message on “it’s not fair” – and neither is God! Linda Berg and Lynette Ender provide the music.  Click here to join us!

  • September 19-20. 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message – just what is so fair about God, anyway?  Find out, right here!
  • September 20, 2020 – Sunday School lessons!  For copies of the worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org)

September 12-13, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the message on forgiveness, grounding, and the embrace of Jesus. Andy Bakkum and Linda Berg share the music.  Join us right here. 

  • September 12-13, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message, including the backpack blessing and a pop quiz.  How well can you do?  Click here to find out!
  • September 13, 2020 – Sunday School lessons online!  For copies of the worksheets, contact the church office or Pastor Jean (pastorjean@oursaviorswestsalem.org.)

September 5-6, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the message – it’s forgiveness, it’s community, and it’s Jesus! Jen Linse and Linda Berg provide the music, as we recognized our confirmands.  Click here to see it all!

  • September 5-6, 2020 – Pastor Jon ponders the deep question – “Do bare feet get Jesus to show up?”  Find out the answer – right here.

August 29-30, 2020 – If you “talk the talk,” can you “walk the walk?” Find out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus! Pastor Jon shares the message, while Naoko Giblin and Linda Berg provide the music.  Get it all, right here!

  • August 29-30, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message on shoes, bushes, flames…and God’s call!  It all comes together, right here. 
  • August 30, 2020 – Pastor Jean leads the summer Sunday School lesson. New stuff abounds – God is always making all things -including us – new!   Be”renewed” by clicking here!

August 22-23, 2020 – and the question is asked, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Peter answers for us – you are the Messiah, and a lot more! Pastor Jon shares the message, while Eric Sorenson and Linda Berg share the music.  Find out the answer to the question right here!

  • August 22-23, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  Can you guess who the mystery guest is?  Discover who it is, by clicking here.
  • August 23, 2020 – Pastor Jean leads the Summer Sunday School class as we learn about being adopted into the family of God.  Learn all about it right here.

August 15-16, 2020 – And you thought you were Norwegian…or German…or Italian…or something else.  Turns out we are all Canaanites.  And this week, that’s a good thing!  Pastor Jean explains why, while Melissa Haldeman and Linda Berg share the music.  All of that and more, right here!

  • August 15-16, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  It’s a bit of an odd story – Jesus and a Canaanite. But it’s got some important lessons, even for us! Pastor Jon explains, right here. 
  • August 9, 2020 – It’s Summer Sunday School again…and Pastor Jean explore the age old question…just what is the best topping for a pizza? That, and a bit about what it means to be “united in Christ!”  You can be a part of it all by clicking here.

August 8-9, 2020 – Pastor Jon explores the depths, the downpour, and the darkness…along with a few footsteps! Marty Frank and Linda Berg provide the music.  Walk with us, right here!

  • August 8-9, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the children’s message.  Just like the disciples, we too find ourselves in scary moments.  But…Jesus calls out – “It is I.  Do not be afraid!”  Click here to hear more!
  • August 9, 2020 – Pastor Jean leads Summer Sunday School.  “Together” is a good thing!  Click here to find out why.

August 1-2, 2020 – The “dog days of summer” are upon us, and Pastor Jean shares the message on the feeding of a multitude – 2000 years ago, and still today!   Dean Olson and Linda Berg provide the music.  Click here!

  • Pastor Jon shares the children’s message.  How far can you make your lunch stretch?  Find out what Pastor Jon does to feed a few extra…with a little help!  Right here.
  • Pastor Jean leads Summer Sunday School.  What’s it mean to trust God…and to trust others to carry out God’s work?  Click here, to find out!

July 25-26, 2020 – It’s graduation weekend…we honor graduates at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, pray for them and their families, and celebrate the many ways God is at work in our midst. Pastor Jon shares that comets are cool, but kids are even better! Join us right here. 

  • Pastor Jean shares the children’s message on promises made, and promises kept.  Right here!
  • Pastor Jean leads Summer Sunday School.  What kind of a boss do you think Jesus is?  Let’s find out, right here!

July 20, 2020 – On July 15, we were getting ready for more worship, and with Covid that means safe singing (one at a time) safely distanced, and recorded ahead.  So, we recorded Marty Frank, singing “Be a Light.”  In challenging, difficult, sometimes tense days, a message we need!  You will hear it again on the August 8-9 worship video.  But why not listen now?  The message is that important!  Click here.

July 18-19, 2020 – It’s a mid-summer treat – Pastor Ben Morris, from Lutheran Campus Ministry-La Crosse “gifts” us with our worship. Find out how the seed is tossed around a college campus, and how good soil brings a harvest.  Get it all right here. 

July 11-12, 2020 – It’s the parable of the sower. What kind of soil are you? Pastor Jean shares the message, while Linda Berg and Lynette Ender provide music.  Click here!

  • Pastor Jon shares the children’s message on planting a garden.  What kind of soil works best?  And how can the seed produce a harvest?  Join us by clicking here.
  • Pastor Jean leads the Summer Sunday School lesson on welcoming those who are new to us.  What’s it all about?  Find out right here.

July 4-5, 2020 – Pastor Jon preaches on burdens, yokes, and crosses.  These are tough times and Jesus makes some big promises!  Linda Berg and Dean Olson share the music.  You can join us right here.

  • Pastor Jean shares the children’s message – Jesus talks about yolks…or yokes, but what kind of yolk…or yoke…and what’s it all about?  Find out right here.
  • Pastor Jean leads the Summer Sunday School.  What’s at the heart of God’s love?  And what does it have to do with a “labyrinth?”  And just what is a “labyrinth?”  Join us on our “field trip” by clicking here.

June 27-28, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the message about a cool, cup of water, and a warm welcome.  Meanwhile Linda Berg and Eric Sorenson provide special music. Click here!

  • Pastor Jon shares the children’s message – not much to a cup of water, or a swig of Mountain Dew…but if you’re thirsty, it’s a great gift!  Find out more right here.
  • Pastor Jean continues to explore the prophets in Summer Sunday School.  This week…Zephaniah!  Learn more right here.

June 20-21, 2020 – Pastor Jon shares the message, using Romans 6, and pondering what a “life of resurrection” is like.  You might surprised…and a bit challenged…but never worry, God knows the hairs on your head, and values you more than a multitude of sparrows!  Carla Burkhart shares the music.  Click here!

  • Pastor Jean shares the children’s message – what’s a sparrow worth?  Not much, but YOU are of great value!  You can watch right here.
  • Pastor Jean has another Summer Sunday School lesson to share, and it’s Jeremiah again.  Rebecca helps with a game and a blessing.  Click here to see it all!

June 13-14, 2020 – Pastor Jean shares the message on “going out there,” while Pastor Jon leads the worship.  Marty Frank and Linda Berg lead the music, and Melissa Haldeman shares a special piece.  Catch it right here! 

  • Pastor Jon, with the help of a mitt, helmet, calculator, rhubarb, and some “ivories,” shares the children’s message.  Curious?  Find out, right here.
  • Pastor Jean leads Summer Sunday School, looking at Jeremiah again, only this time it’s…roots?  With some help from Rebecca, she shares a game, a story, and good news!  Click here to explore some more!

June 6-7, 2020, and Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America shares the message!  We ponder the Holy Trinity, in the midst of the suffering of a pandemic, the tragedy of a death, and the anguish of racism.    Click here!

  • Pastor Jon shares the children’s message. Jesus says he is with us always.  I wonder what that means?  Click here to find out!
  • Time for Summer Sunday School!  Pastor Jean leads the first lesson on Jeremiah’s Call (and your call too!) with a project…and a challenge…join us by clicking here.

May 30-31, 2020, and it’s the Festival of the Pentecost!  In the midst of a broken and hurting world, we hear words of hope, and receive gifts of life through the Holy Spirit.  Click here.

  • Pastor Jean shares the children’s message, and she’s got the Holy Spirit on her mind!  Join here, right here!
  • Pastor Jean leads the Sunday School lesson at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church as we learn more about the Holy Spirit.   Check it out by clicking here.

May 23-24, 2020, and we are celebrating Ascension Day!  Pastor Jon ponders a 2000 year old question, still being asked today – and considers the answer(s) to that question!  Curious?  Click here to join us and find out more!

  • Pastor Jean shares the children’s message – just what is Ascension Day all about, anyway?  Find out right here!
  • Pastor Jean leads the Sunday School lesson.  Jesus ascends, the story is over.  NOT!  But, what more could there be?  Check it out by clicking here.

May 16-17, 2020, and we are still basking in the life of the resurrected Jesus!  Pastor Jean preaches on hope, and Pastor Jon…takes a walk!  Click here!

  • Pastor Jon shares the Children’s Message, wondering how we can find hope when we feel very alone.  Watch it right here.
  • Pastor Jean leads the Sunday School lesson.  Meet “Holly Spirio!”  Join the class, right here.

May 9-10, 2020, and we continue to celebrate Easter. Pastor Jon preaches on rooms, produce, and renewal.  Click here!

  • Pastor Jean shares the Children’s Message, with the help of a map and a compass.  You can watch right here.
  • Pastor Jean leads the Sunday School lesson. What would happen if the cornerstone were missing?  Click here to find out!

May 2-3, 2020, and we continue to worship apart, yet together. Pastor Jean preaches on gates, shepherds, and sheep. The Good Shepherd is with us, even in trying days!   Right here…

  • Pastor Jon shares the Children’s Message, on familiar words…and voices.  You can watch right here.
  • Pastor Jean leads the Sunday School lesson. Sheep, Jesus, and teleportation devices (really!)  Click here to find out all about it!

April 25-26, 2020, and we continue to celebrate the victory of Easter. We join two disciples on their journey to Emmaus, where they will encounter the risen Jesus. In the midst of a pandemic, where do you encounter Jesus? Pastor Jon shares the message, and the choir provides the music.  Join us right here.  (Video posted by 8 PM Saturday.)

  • Pastor Jean shares the Children’s Message.  Been out for a walk lately?  Who have you run into?  Jesus?  Maybe…  Click here!
  • At Sunday School today the “question of the day,” is…”Were the disciples nearsighted???” Pastor Jean leads the lesson. Check it out right here.

April 18-19, 2020, and Pastor Libby Howe, assistant to Bishop Arends, joins us to share the message as we continue to be fed and nourished by all of God’s gifts of grace.  Click here.

  • Pastor Jon imagines a group of kids sitting in front of him…and shares the children’s message – are you watching?  It’s about Doubting Thomas.  Did he know something we ought to know?  Right here… 
  • It’s Sunday School time, and we learn that doubts are not a sign of poor faith – they are one way that God works within us. Pastor Jean leads the class, and (with a little help) it ends with alleluia – once, twice, and a few more times!  Click here to see just how many alleluias we can “shout out!”  Check it out right here.

April 12, 2020 – It’s Easter!  The Resurrection of Our Lord!  Pastor Jon shares the message, and even though the church is empty, we have music and lots of alleluias.  And most of all, we have Jesus!  Right here!

  • Pastor Jean shares the Easter children’s message.  More alleluias than you can count as we celebrate God’s gifts to children of all ages!  Click here.
  • Check out the Easter Sunday School lesson, as Pastor Jean shares the story and send kids out to be messengers of the good news of the risen Jesus!  You can find it right here.
  • Easter bonus!  The Mom’s group and kids (and a few Dads) made sure that the church was decorated – and the message of hope proclaimed!  Sidewalks make great billboards…  Check it out here.

April 10, 2020 – The Service of Tenebrae…hear the Passion story from the Gospel of John, with Old Testament passages sharing insight on the sacrifice of Jesus. The sanctuary gradually darkens until a single light is left. The last candle is removed, then after the sound of the “strepitus,” signifying the earthquake, the candle is returned as a sign of the hope of Easter.  Join us right here.

April 9, 2020 – Maundy Thursday, and in the midst of a pandemic, we try an experiment – worship “conversation style,” via zoom. Wasn’t perfect, but then again neither are we, and that’s why we have a “Holy Week!”  Click here to see it, faults and all!

April 4-5, 2020 –  The Sunday of the Passion…We are still in the midst of a pandemic, but Holy Week beckons – and God promises life through Jesus. Pastor Jon reflects on the week to come, we hear the story throughout the community, and we pray for healing!  Click here to join the journey.

  • This week’s children’s message comes is shared by Pastor Jon.  In the midst of crazy days, we talk about palms…and Jesus!  Right here…
  • Pastor Jean’s Sunday School lesson for the Sunday of the Passion.  Hear the story and learn about what this week is really all about.  Click here, and if you’d like the support material, let us know!

March 28-29, 2020 – Even though we aren’t together in the pews, we still together gather in worship as the Body of Christ. Pastor Jon preaches on the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-45), and the choir leads in Holden Evening Prayer.  Join us right here. 

  • The Children’s Message this week has Pastor Jean sharing the good news that Jesus “unbinds” us and frees us. Based on John 11:1-45, Pastor Jean reminds the children that God is always there, even in frightening times.  Click here!
  • Sunday School is still on!  Pandemic or not, God is still with us.  Click here to see this week’s lesson, and if you’d like the support material, let us know – we can send it out electronically.

March 21-22, 2020 – Worship continues even amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. While we aren’t gathered in one physical space, we are still gathering to worship in our own spaces. The choir has shared ahead, singing Holden Evening Prayer, while others come together to put together our worship experience. Pastor Jean preaches on blindness, sight, and Jesus.  You can look up the gospel reading – John 9:1-41, so you can follow along.  And if you need a copy of Holden to sing along, contact the office.  We will be using this for the next few weeks.  So, join us right here!

  • The Children’s Message for worship March 21-22, 2020, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church…We can’t worship in the same space, but we still want kids to know about God’s care and love for them! Pastor Jean takes a trip around the building, a trip that requires a helping hand, just as God walks with us even in the midst of scary times!  Oh, and we also have children’s bulletins available – contact us to get one.  For the message, click right here!
  • Can’t make it to Sunday School with all that’s happening, but Pastor Jean is still connecting with the kids.  Check out this weeks lesson, and if you’d like the written support material, let us know – we’ll get it to you.  Click here for the lesson.

March 15, 2020 – In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, we gather for the last time, until…only God knows! We hear God’s word, and see how our the struggles of these days relates to the story of the woman at the well from the Gospel of John. The older Sunday School children sing, and we are sent off with heavy hearts, but still in the embrace of a loving God!  Click here…

March 8, 2020 – We continue our Lenten journey, pondering just what “3:16” (and beyond) has to say to us! The choir sings with flute accompaniment, and a child is welcomed into the family of God.  Join the journey right here!

March 1, 2020 – We have begun our Lenten journey! Pastor Jon preaches on sin and grace, with a touch of a burger and a bun, and a “blast from the past.” Meanwhile, the younger Sunday School kids get to the heart of the matter – “Jesus loves me!”  You can see it all right here. 

February 23, 2020 -the Sunday of the Transfiguration, and our “Celebration of Hope!” The SOS band leads our worship, the choir sings, and Pastor Jean shares the message on going up…down the mountain…and then on to the cross at Calvary.  Be a part of it right here.

February 16, 2020, and we continue to explore the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Jon gives a perspective of divorce in the shadow of the cross (hint – it’s full of grace and restoration!) He also shares how righteousness for Jesus is not about commandments, but about a lifestyle – lived in the shadow of the cross! Oh, and the choir sings too!  All of it, right here…

February 9, 2020, and in the midst of a winter storm, and a foot of snow, we nonetheless meet for worship. The choir sings, Kirin Linse provides very special music, and Pastor Jean calls us to be what God has made us to be – salt and light!  See it all right here!

February 2, 2020, and Pastor Jon preaches on “Christ Crucified,” and “Lift High the Cross,” while the younger Sunday School kids encourage us to “Go Tell” as they share the music.  Watch it all right here.

January 26, 2020, and we continue to celebrate the revealing of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. This week, as Jesus calls disciples to “fish for people,” Pastor Jean challenges us to hear those words. Meanwhile, the SOS Band leads our worship and the older Sunday School children sing.  It’s all right here!

January 19, 2020 and Epiphany continues! The choir sings, the congregation continues to enjoy a new liturgy, and Pastor Jon reminds us that we are God’s work in the world.  See it all right here.

January 12, 2020, and we not only celebrate the Baptism of Jesus, we also remember the baptisms from 2019, and all of our baptisms. Pastor Jean helps put it in perspective.  Click here.

January 5, 2020, and its the 12th day of Christmas – but we are celebrating the Epiphany of Our Lord. Pastor Jon shares how the story of the Three Wise Men, seemingly almost a fairy tale, really does matter in today’s world.  Join us right here.  

December 29, 2019, and as we worship we hear the insights of Martin Luther as we ponder the mystery of the incarnation, the wonder of Christmas! Pastor Jean shares the message and we sing the beloved carols one more time.  See it all right here.

Christmas Day, 2019 and we gather again in the light of the morning to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Pastor Jean shares the message, and we rejoice in the gift of the incarnation.  Click here.

Christmas Eve, 2019, and we gather several times to celebrate the birth of Jesus. At 3:30 the choir sang, Pastor Jon shared the message, and we received the gifts of grace in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Almost 300 joined us, and over the whole over 700 worshiped and gave thanks for God’s gifts of grace in the child in the manger.  Right here!

December 22, 2019 – Time to get ready!  We are taking the last steps to the manger at Bethlehem. Pastor Jean preaches on Joseph, distractions, and not missing the gift(s) of Christmas!  Click here.

December 14 and 15, 2019 – it’s the Sunday School Christmas programs!  Saturday evening it was the younger kids – all 33 of them – in “The Small One.”  They heard a story of the donkey that carried Mary, and shared music expressing the wonder of Christmas and the Baby Jesus, and challenging us to “follow the star to Bethlehem.”  You can watch that video right here.  Sunday morning it’s the older kids, as they enter the church “following the star,” and then bear witness to the wonder of the baby as the Wise Men, “following the star to Bethlehem,” come bearing gifts.  The video of  Sunday morning worship is right here.   The kids program begins at the 7:20 mark.

December 8, 2019 – It’s Advent 2 and this week the community at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church gets a preview of the joy to come as the choir presents it’s Christmas Cantata. Featuring a number of solo pieces by choir members, and a special appearance by Andrew Larson, the message is clear – “new joy is dawning!”  Join us right here!

December 4, 2019 – Hanging of the Greens!  We gather to get Advent off with a bang, as we learn about the meaning of the many Advent and Christmas decorations, and how they connect with God’s promises through Jesus.  A special treat this year is the first performance of “Our Savior’s Kids’ Handbell Choir.”  A group of 2nd-4th graders, they have practiced for several weeks to learn to play handbells, read the notes, and perform the music – a lot of learning in a short period! They are directed by Rebecca Schmidt as part of her SEP project, and Rebecca is under the tutelage of Linda Berg, Music Director. Pastor Jean also assists the crew. And the congregation of 150+ appreciated the music, the effort, and the witness!  You can catch the worship service by clicking here here, or to see the handbell choir, click here.

December 1, 2019 – We begin the journey of Advent, with the lighting of the first candle on the wreath, and the message from Pastor Jean on the challenges of the season. Yet, we also hear that as God remembered Noah, God also remembers us. Oh, and Mason and Paisley are baptized. What a great day!  Click here…

November 24, 2019 – We gather to celebrate Christ the King Sunday. The women of the choir sing, because the guys are out hunting! Pastor Jon shares the message on Christ the King, his throne and subjects, and a few surprising (even repulsive) twists.  Catch it right here!

November 17, 2019 – Even as the end of the church year approaches, and our readings remind us of the end times, we have confidence Jesus!  This day Dalilah is baptized, the people of God are fed and nurtured in bread and wine, and the Word, the good news of Jesus, is proclaimed!  Right here…

November 10, 2019 – we gather to hear the good news, celebrate life, and rejoice in God’s gifts of grace. Pastor Jon preaches (find out what a woman with seven husbands has do with us today!), the choir sings, and we are embraced by a good and gracious God.  You can join us by clicking here.

November 3, 2019 – We gather to celebrate God’s gifts of life, and to remember the saints – all the saints – but especially those whom have been called home during the past year. Pastor Jean preaches, the choir sings, the saints are remembered, and God is at work in our midst!  All right here…

October 27, 2019 – We celebrate Reformation Sunday, with voices, brass, organ and piano. Pastor Jean preaches on a tax collector who provides a lesson we need to hear even today.  Click here!

October 20, 2019 – Pastor Jon preaches on Jacob, Israel, and paradoxes. Renewed and restored, yet still our sinful selves, we are nonetheless embraced by God and sent forth as faithful disciples of Jesus!  All right here…

October 13, 2019 – The older Sunday School kids share music, while Pastor Jon preaches on the Ten Lepers and what it means to be “well.”   Catch it right here!

October 6, 2019 – We gather to worship, and to celebrate the witness of our children. Pastor Jean preaches, the youngest children sing, PreK get Bibles, and we ponder how God is leading us into new directions.  Catch it all right here.

September 29, 2019 – The choir shares their five favorites from the past year, and Pastor Jon challenges the congregation to do what disciples do – meet the opportunities for ministry that are in front of us, and know that it is always God at work in us!  Click here to take it in!

September 22, 2019- We celebrate the baptism of Amara while receiving gifts of life in the Word and Sacrament. Pastor Jean shares the message, while the SOS band rocks the joint and the choir encourages stewardship of life.  It’s all right here…

September 15, 2019 – Pastor Jon preaches on a really non-sensical God who chases sheep, searches for coins, and anguishes over the lost – so much that God does whatever it takes to get them back!  Click here to join us.

September 9, 2019 – It’s Rally Day!  Sunday School gets rolling and we are full of life and the sounds of children.  Students get a small frog for their backpacks to remind them to “Fully Rely on God,” as we ask God’s blessings on both students and teachers.  Join us right here.

September 1, 2019 – The last weekend for summer worship – next week, Sunday School starts again.  In the meantime, Pastor Jon preaches, and God’s blessings flow!  Click here.

August 25, 2019 – It’s “Gospel of on the Green” (ok, it’s under a shelter!) We worship with the band, Pastor Jon is back from sabbatical and shares the message, and Odin is baptized. What a great celebration of God’s gifts of grace through Jesus!  Join us right here.

August 18, 2019 – Pastor Jean led worship with the message from Hebrews. We welcomed Collins Grace to the family of God in the waters of baptism. Click here.

August 11, 2019 – Pastor Jean led worship, Pastor Kathy Ingbritsen, retired, shared the message about ELCA World Hunger. Lynette Ender shared special music. Click here.

July 28, 2019 – the SOS Band leads the congregation in worship.  Pastor Ben Morris, Lutheran Campus Ministry Pastor (UW-L, Viterbo, Western Technical College), shares the Gospel message. Click here. 

July 21, 2019 – Pastor Jean leads worship, preaching from Luke 10:38-42 about Mary and Martha, challenging the congregation as to whom they relate. Click here.

July 14, 2019 – Becki Murphy, Our Savior’s member who recently completed her Master’s Degree in Servant Leadership from Viterbo University shared the message from Luke relating servant leadership to the story of the Good Samaritan. Reese Nicole was also baptized during the worship service. Click here.

June 30, 2019 – Those who traveled to Crownpointe NM for the mission trip shared their experiences and where they saw God. The SOS Band shared the music. Click here.

June 23, 2019, Pastor Barbara Bruneau, retired, shared the Word and Sacraments. Click here.

June 2, 2019, Dori Jensen, Our Savior’s member and a student in the LaCrosse Area Synod’s School of Theology shared the message from John 17:20-26 about unity and prayer. Click here.

May 26, 2019, the SOS Band led worship and Eric Ender provided special music – a trumpet solo “Il Silenzio”. Pastor Jean shared a message from John 14 about peace.  Click here.

May 19, 2019, and we continue to celebrate the risen Christ of Easter. We honor our high school graduates, the choir sings, and Pastor Jon shares the message.  Click here.

May 12, 2019, and we worship as we receive God’s gifts of grace, celebrate God’s presence, and rejoice in the crucified and risen Jesus. The Sunday School children sing, Pastor Jon preaches words of hope from Revelation, and we end with having some fun!  Join us right here.

April 28, 2019 and it’s Confirmation Sunday!  Fifteen confirmands affirm their baptism. Pastor John Stennes-Spidahl leads worship in the absence of Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean, away due to a family funeral.  See it here.

April 21, 2019 – Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! It is Easter, we gather to celebrate new life in the risen Lord Jesus Christ! The choir sings, brass plays, and the people rejoice. Pastor Jon preaches on the point of the Easter story (spoiler alert – it is not the resurrection!)  Find out more, right here.

April 14, 2019, and it’s Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Passion! The Sunday School children join the choir in music, and we hear the passion story from the Gospel of Luke. Then, we depart and journey through the mystery and wonder of Holy Week, as we draw closer to the cross – and the empty tomb that lies just beyond!  Click here.

April 7, 2019 and we gather for worship, reaching the edge of the woods, on the bluff overlooking the next two weeks. There, we can see the cross and the empty tomb in the distance, and Pastor Jon challenges us to be prepared for “a new thing,” that will cause us to see that all we thought was valuable is nothing more than “skubalon” (you will have to watch to find out about that!) Then, as we go forth, we are called to embrace “the poor,” the broken, and the hurting in our world.  Join us on the journey right here!

March 31, 2019, and we continue our Lenten journey. This morning the choir sings, and Pastor Jean shares the message. The Prodigal Son(s) – which one are you? And where does “Dad” fit in? Find out – click here!

March 24, 2019 and the congregation at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church continues its Lenten journey. The SOS Band plays, the choir sings, and Pastor Jon ponders hope, fear and repentance, in the shadow of the cross of Jesus.  Click here…

March 17, 2019, and we continue our journey through Lent. But just why is it that Jesus’ journey takes so long in the gospel of Luke? Find out, as Pastor Jean shares the message, and the older Sunday School children share music!  It’s all right here…

March 9, 2019, and it’s yet another icy, snowy, messy winter day. Still, we gather to worship and receive God’s gifts of grace.  The choir sings, and Pastor Jon shares the message. It’s the Temptation of Jesus, and Jesus’ identity is defined. For us? Our temptations can lead to “identity theft.” Still, the cross is there – and God is at work through Jesus!  Check it out right here.

March 3, 2019 – It’s time for the Celebration of Hope, on the Festival of the Transfiguration! Pastor Jean preaches on Jesus, “social norm breaker,” while the SOS Band leads our worship.  The choir sings twice and the younger Sunday School children add music as well. Lent is next, but the cross and the empty tomb beckon us to be filled with hope.  Join us by clicking here.

February 24, 2019 – We are in the middle of a winter storm, with snow, wind and ice, yet we still gather to share in Word and Sacrament, along with prayer and music. The choir joins with the older Sunday School children (those who could make it through the snow banks!), and shares the opening hymn. Pastor Jon preaches on the words of Jesus that are not commands, but promises – promises that change the world!  Snow or no snow, join us right here!

February 17, 2019 – It’s snowing – again! Nonetheless, we gather to worship. Pastor Jean shares the message on plains vs mountains and valleys. Jesus makes the “plain” happen! (How so?  Watch and find out!)  Meanwhile, the choir joins with the congregation in a special arrangement of the opening hymn, and the Bells of Joy provide prelude music.  All of it is right here!

February 10. 2019 – we welcome Pastor Barbara Bruneau to lead worship and share the message. The choir sings as the snow flies, and the grace of Jesus abounds!  Click here to join us.

February 3, 2019 – Pastor Jon shares the message on 1 Corinthians 13, the great “love” chapter, and the younger Sunday School children sing.  Join us right here.

January 27, 2019 – On a cold winter morning we are warmed by God’s gifts of grace. The SOS Band leads worship, the older Sunday School children sing, and Pastor Jon preaches on spiritual gifts of all kinds.  Click here to join us.

January 20, 2019 – Time to ponder the “water to wine” miracle at Cana, and the gifts of abundance in Jesus Christ. Pastor Jean provides the message, and the choir shares music.  See it here.

January 13, 2019 – It’s The Baptism of Our Lord! The choir provides the anthem, and Pastor Jon the message. A primer of sorts on Baptism leads us to the hope we have in Jesus, even in the midst of uncertain and fearful times. And that hope leads us to be bold and confident as we live faithfully on our journey of life!  Join the journey right here.

January 6, 2019 – The Festival of the Epiphany, and Pastor Jean shares the message.   We begin a New Year, and look forward to new challenges and opportunities in our discipleship.  You can see it all right here.

December 30, 2018 – it’s time for one more blast of wonderful Christmas music as we celebrate “Lessons and Carols.” Jake Iliff leads worship, and the congregation rejoices in the ongoing celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ!  Click here.

December 24, 2018 – it’s Christmas Eve, and  we gather to worship the newborn King! Candlelight, carols, and Christmas Gospel, all make for a special time together as the people of God. Pastor Jon shares the message on “What Glad Tidings.”  You can watch it right here.  

December 23, 2018 – We are almost there – almost to the manger at Bethlehem, but not quite! Still, a few things to do, a few things to prepare. Find out what exactly we are preparing for as Pastor Jon shares the message.  Join us right here.

December 16, 2018 – The 3rd-5th grade kids share a “Crazy, Busy, Peaceful, Holy Night.” In word and song they share the message of Christmas in the midst of a hectic world.  Catch it all here.

December 16, 2018 – Its the Third Sunday of Advent, and we consider John the Baptist’s call to repentance. The choir sings, and Pastor Jon shares the message. Find out how “a brood of vipers” can embrace the mundane and life lives of faithful discipleship!  Click here.

December 15, 2018 – It’s the PK-2nd grade Sunday School Christmas program at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, West Salem, Wisconsin. Rufus the dog tries to figure out what kind of a gift he could bring to the newborn child of Bethlehem. The children sing and share the message of Christmas!  You can see it all right here. 

December 9, 2018 – the second Sunday of Advent, and we gather to prepare the way for the coming Christ child. The Bells of Joy and the Senior Choir share lots of music, including a cantata of Christmas carols.  See and hear it all here.

November 25, 2018 we gather to celebrate Christ the King Sunday. Pastor Jon preaches on Christ the King, the Truth, and the Christmas season. The choir provides special music.  You can watch right here.

November 18, 2018 – we gather to worship and be fed by the gifts of God’s grace. This day we also consider the call to be generous and feed the hungry throughout the world. The Women’s Choir sings and Pastor Jon shares the message.  Here it is!

November 10, 2018 – Yes, it’s Saturday evening, and Pastor Ben Morris, from Lutheran Campus Ministry-La Crosse shares the message, telling us about the work at LCM and the lives that are changed there.  The Bells of Joy play, and the Choir provides music. All the time we ponder the “widow’s mite,” and God’s abundant (even over-abundant) gifts of grace!  Click here to see it all.

November 4, 2018 – we remember the saints who have gone before us, but we also gather together as saints here and now! Pastor Jean shares the message, the choir sings, and we ask God’s blessings on the memory of those who have have died in the past year.  Join us right here.

October 28, 2018, after worship…on a wet, windy morning we gather to ask God’s blessings on the new Prayer Labyrinth at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. A Senior Exit Project by one of our high school youth, this space provides a place for prayer and meditation. Figuratively leaving the world behind, the labyrinth brings us to the center for a time with a loving Jesus. Then, after a period of time, a return to the world about. The Labyrinth is located in the back of the lot across from the parking lot, and is available for public use. Come, pray, and connect with Jesus!  See the blessing here.  

October 28, 2018 – It’s Reformation Sunday, and with the choir singing and Pastor Jon preaching, we ponder mercy, faithfulness, and discipleship.  Right here! 

October 21, 2018 – The children sing, 3rd graders receive Bibles, and Pastor Jean preaches on greatness and the cross. Jesus calls us to a different kind of greatness.  Find out more, right here.

October 14, 2018 – We gather to hear God’s word – and find out how the story of the rich young man connects with our experience – and with Jesus! The choir sings, and we celebrate new life in the bread and wine of the Eucharist.   It’s all right here.

October 7, 2018 – Worship is on! Tech snags kept the video from starting on time, but not the love of God through Jesus. The Sunday School children sing (we got that!) and Pastor Jean shares the message on Jesus, stewardship, and vulnerability.  Click here.

September 30, 2018 – Sunday School children sing, and Pastor Jon preaches on “us” and “then” – and Jesus!  You can see it all, right here.

September 23, 2018 – The community at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church gathers once again to worship and receive God’s gifts of grace. The choir sings, the SOS band plays, children receive Bibles, and Pastor Jon speaks about greatness – God style!  You can join us by clicking here.

September 16, 2018 – We welcome Kyler through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Pastor Jean preaches on calling, faithfulness, carrying one’s cross, and baptism.  See it here.

September 9, 2018 – We gather for “Gospel on the Green,” worshiping at the Lion’s Shelter. The SOS Band plays and the choir sings. We bless students, parents and teachers as a new school year begins. Pastor Jon talks “scarcity and abundance,” from a teacher we might not otherwise notice.  Watch it here.

September 2, 2018 – We gather to worship together, hear the word, and celebrate new life in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  Click here.

August 26, 2018 – The SOS Band leads our worship, Lennon is welcomed into the family of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and Pastor Jean has one more opportunity to speak about “the bread of life.” Can the bread still be fresh? Of course it can – when it is Jesus!  Find out more right here. 

August 19, 2018 – As we gather for worship, the aroma of fresh bread fills the air. As Pastor Jon shares the message on Jesus as “the bread of life,” we are challenged to consider how the bread is kept from going stale. Watch to find out how fresh bread stays fresh!  See it here.

August 12, 2018 – What happens when you think of the “Bread of Life,” like “cookies?” Pastor Jon shares that message!  You can watch it right here.

August 5, 2018 – Pastor Jean leads worship and continues to explore the “Bread of Life.”  Click here.

July 29, 2018 – Pastor Jean provides the message – John 6, and thousands are fed by Jesus…and so are we!  See it here.

July 22, 2018 – Pastor Jon shares both words and pictures, exploring deserts, deserted places, and God at work in Jesus! Jen Linse shares music, as the SOS Band leads our worship.   Right here!

July 15, 2018 – The community learns about the recent ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston as several members of the gathering team share their experiences and challenge the congregation to see how God’s love in Jesus changes everything.  Join them by clicking right here.

July 8, 2018 – Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean continue on their vacation, so Cat Bottem, Director of Youth Ministry, leads worship and shares the message.  See it here.

July 1, 2018 – Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean are away attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, so members of the congregation rise up and lead our worship. Dori, Nancy and Vernetta, students in the La Crosse Area Synod’s School of Theology share the message and lead the worship.  Watch it here.

June 24, 2018 – The SOS band leads our worship, with Eric Ender provided some “trumpet punch!” Carter and Leo are baptized, while the crew heading to the ELCA Youth Gathering are blessed . Meanwhile, Pastor Jon preaches on Jesus and “the angry wave.”   Find out about the waves, the cross, and Jesus, while enjoying the music, and joining in worship, right here!

June 17, 2018 and it’s hot – really hot! Nonetheless, we gather for worship, as Pastor Jean shares the message.  Join us, right here.

June 10, 2018 – It’s assembly weekend!  As the La Crosse Area Synod meets in it’s annual assembly, including Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean, Eric Iliff leads worship, with a video sermon provided by Bishop Arends.  You can watch the worship here.  Or, if you’d like to see the Bishop’s video directly, you can click here.

June 3, 2018 – As we gather for worship, Pastor Jon preaches on the treasure we hold in clay pots (2 Corinthians), and Serenity joins the family of God through baptism.  Click here.

May 27,2018 – the Festival of the Holy Trinity – The SOS Band leads worship, and Eric Ender shares music for Memorial Day. The big treat is Nate Zimdars sharing about mission work in Senegal, and how that mission work is not just the giving – its the receiving of God’ gifts from those whom we meet.  See it all right here.

May 20, 2018 – Pentecost Sunday – and we gather to honor graduates and welcome a child into the family of God. P astor Jean connects graduation with baptism, all in the embrace of the Holy Spirit!  Catch it right here.

May 13, 2018 – We celebrate (a few days late) Ascension Day, with the Sunday School children singing, and Pastor Jon sharing the message.  Join us right here.

May 6, 2018 – The choir leads worship with a variety of favorites from the past year. Meanwhile, Pastor Jean answers the call for “ransom” with “Jesus Loves Me,” tells a story, and twists the song just a bit!  Hear and see it all right here.

April 29, 2018 – It’s Confirmation Sunday, or “Affirmation of Baptism,” and 21 9th graders stand before the congregation.  They affirm their baptisms, but also hear the blessings of a gracious God as the pastors, parents, and sponsors lay their hands on them, and community offers its support.  Pastor Jon shares the message that in our baptism God’s promise is ours, and now we are called and equipped to be faithful disciples of Jesus.  Click here!

April 22, 2018 – We gather to hear good news, receive Holy Communion, and be the people of God gathered together in this place, at this time.  As we gather, Sam is baptized, joining the family of God, the SOS band leads our music, and Pastor Jean challenges the congregation to be “good sheep-dogs!”  Click here.

April 15, 2018 – In the midst of a winter storm warning, the faithful come to worship and rejoice in the crucified and risen Christ. Pastor Jon preaches on joy, wonder and disbelief, and the Christ who recreates us into the Body of Christ.  See it here.

April 8, 2018 – The people of God continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Pastor Jean shares the message on Thomas and the embrace of gracious God.  Come and join us – click here!

April 1, 2018 – The Resurrection of our Lord! Brass accompaniment and music from the older Sunday School children. It’s also April Fools – Pastor Jon preaches about the greatest April fools joke of all time.  No foolin’…it’s right here!

March 25, 2018 – Today is Palm Sunday, otherwise known as Sunday of the Passion, and at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, the children process with palms, the younger children sing, and we hear the Passion of Jesus, according to Mark.  Join the pilgrimage to the cross right here.

March 18, 2018 – The journey of Lent continues, with the older Sunday School children sharing music, and Pastor Jon sharing the message – “Sir, we want to see Jesus.”  You can see it right here!

March 11, 2018 – Pastor Jean shares the message on John 3:16, and the choir provides special music.  Click here.

March 3, 2018 – Nora is baptized, and Pastor Jon shares the message.  See it right here. 

February 25, 2018 –  The SOS Band leads our worship, the younger Sunday School children provide music, and Pastor Jon shares the message.  Join us right here.

February 18, 2018 – The older Sunday School children sing, and Pastor Jean shares the message about the real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (hint – it has something to do with Jesus!)  Find out all about it, right here.

February 11, 2018 – The SOS Band is joined by the choir and the Sounds Like Love crew in leading our music, as Pastor Jon preaches on the journey of discipleship – a journey with the cross of Jesus at the end, and the presence of Jesus along the way!  Click here to catch it all.

February 4, 2018 – Pastor Jon reminds us that amidst difficult and changing times, we nonetheless see God at work in our world – and in our lives. In the end, it is the power of the cross and the empty tomb of Jesus that binds us together and gives us life!  Catch it all right here.

January 28, 2018 – Pastor Jean preaches on demons, Jesus, and authority, while the choir and Marty Frank share a rendition of the Lord’s Prayer.  Join us right here.

January 21, 2018  – The older Sunday School children join the Choir is sharing music. Pastor Jon preaches, wondering just what Jesus would wear as he begins his ministry. And what do we wear as we seek to be faithful disciples?   Find out all about it, right here!

January 14, 2018 – Pastor Jean shares the message, and the choir sings, as we are challenged to “come and see,” but also to be a “free sample” to the world.  It’s all right here.

January 7, 2018, and the new year is underway! Join us we ponder resolutions and commitment – but most of all, the God who acts in our lives through Jesus Christ!  Click here.

December 31, 2017 – It’s the end of the year!  Jake Iliff, as part of his Senior Exit Project from West Salem High School, has designed the worship service, and shares the message.  Really, be patient – God’s blessings will abound!  Click here.

December 24, 2017 – It’s Christmas Eve, 3:30 PM worship, with the choir singing, and Pastor Jon sharing the message. Carols are sung, candles are lit, the Christmas gospel proclaimed, and the gift of Jesus is celebrated.  Join the party right here!

December 17, 2017 – Christmas is drawing near!  The choir shares music, and Pastor Jon preaches on John the Baptist. Are you a “sacred leader?” You could be…and not even know it!   Find out all about it, right here.

December 17, 2017 – This time it’s the younger Sunday School children at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, West Salem, Wisconsin, sharing the message of Christmas through word and song. What a great gift – the simple faith of children in the wondrous child of Bethlehem!  Catch it all right here.

December 16, 2017 – The older Sunday School children at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, West Salem, Wisconsin, share the message of Christmas through word and song. Rejoice! Christ the Savior is born!  You can join them right here.

December 10, 2017 – Advent is in full swing! Both the Senior Choir and the Bells of Joy share a number of pieces to prepare us for the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Lord.  You can see – and hear – it all right here!

December 3, 2017 – We begin the season of Advent. Pastor Jon preaches, and a child is baptized – one of three for the weekend.  Click here.

November 26, 2017 – It’s Christ the King Sunday.  Pastor Jean provides the message, the choir provides music, and God provides the grace!  It’s all right here.

November 18, 2017 – Saturday evening worship, as Sophia Irene is welcomed into the family of God through baptism. Pastor Jon preaches, and the community gives thanks for all of God’s blessings!  See it here.  

November 12, 2017 – Pastor Jon preaches, the choir sings, and a bell choir duet shares music.  Don’t miss it – right here!

November 5, 2017 – All Saints Sunday!  We gather in worship, remembering the saints, with special music from the choir. Pastor Jean preaches, wondering what makes a saint, and just where might you find one. Hint – after tripping over the font, take a look in the mirror!  Find out more, right here.

October 29, 2017 – We celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation!  Brass, organ, piano, voices – along with the choir and the Sunday School children sharing their gifts, all contributing to great music. Pastor Jon shares the message, with a bit of Reformation history, and why the Reformation is irrelevant today…and why it is ABSOLUTELY relevant today!  See it here.

October 22, 2017 – We gather for worship, with Pastor Jean preaching, and Wilson joining the Body of Christ through Baptism. The SOS Band leads worship, and Jen Linse provides some special music.  Right here!

October 15, 2017 – The choir and the Bells of Joy share music, Pastor Jon provides the message, and some of our 3rd graders receiving Bibles.  Click here.

October 8, 2017 – We gather for worship, with the choir sharing music. Pastor Jon preaches on the widow’s mite, and ponders how, touched by God’s grace, she might actually be a bigger giver than others who gave large sums of money.  It’s all right here.  

September 24, 2017 – the SOS Band leads worship.  Pastor Jean’s message is that God is not fair, God is incredibly generous. In addition, Katelyn is baptized, and PreK children receive their Bibles.  Click here.

September 17, 2017 – worship, with Pastor Jon sharing the message on God’s overwhelming gifts of grace.  See it here.

September 10, 2017  – we worship at the Lion’s Shelter, celebrating Rally Day, with the SOS Band leading our worship, and Pastor Jean sharing the message.  Right here.

September 3, 2017 – Pastor Jean shares the message – just where do we find evil, anyway? Hint – take a peek in the mirror. But don’t worry – we have Jesus!  See it here.

August 28, 2017 – The SOS Band leads worship and Pastor Jon preaches on “who do you say that I am?” Backpacks and students are blessed as schools are soon to be in session again.  Join us right here!

August 19, 2017 – Saturday evening worship as Pastor Jon shares perspectives on the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, and how the words of a Canaanite woman point us to the abundance of life in Jesus, and away from the fear of supremacist groups.  It’s all right here.

August 13, 2017 – The dog days of summer, and we gather for worship, with Pastor Jean preaching. We hear God speak to us as we ponder deep water, and even deeper grace!  Right here.

August 6, 2017 – Worship with the Sugar Creek team, as we prepare for VBS week.  Pastor Jon preaches on feasts, Jesus, and the cross.  See it here.

July 30, 2017 – Pastor Jean shares the message, and the SOS provides the music – summer and the good news of Jesus – doesn’t get any better than this – click here!

July 23, 2017 – Pastor Jon preaches…security all around, but in the end, it’s Jesus who ensures life!  Hear about it right here.

July 16, 2017 – Pastor Jon and Pastor Jean are away, but we still gather to worship,with Cathryn Bottem sharing the message.  Here it is!

June 25, 2017 – The SOS Band leads our worship, as Pastor Jon shares a message on change and Romans 6. For 100 years worshipers in the his building, connected in baptism to the crucified and risen Jesus, have faced change with hope and confidence. Today, we have the same hope and confidence in the face of new changes.  It’s all right here.

June 17, 2017 – Saturday evening worship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, West Salem, Wisconsin. A smaller crowd, but Jesus is present, the gospel proclaimed, and Jana is baptized into the faith.  See it here.

June 11, 2017 – The La Crosse Area Synod is meeting in La Crosse, so Jake Iliff leads worship, sharing a message from Bishop Jim Arends.  Join us here.

June 4, 2017 – It is Pentecost Sunday – we gather for worship, Kinsley is baptized, Pastor Jon shares the message, and life is shared in the bread and wine, the body and blood.   Watch it all right here.

May 27, 2017 – Saturday evening worship – we celebrate and give thanks for Kay Neimeier’s 35+ years in the office. Pastor Dave Bersagel returns to share the message, the SOS Band plays, the gospel is heard, the sacrament shared, and God is good (as always!)  See it here.

May 21, 2017 – Our Savior’s celebrates our graduates. High school seniors are honored and lifted up in prayer, and commended to a gracious God. Jesus is proclaimed, and the Sacrament is celebrated.  Join us right here.

May 14, 2017 – It’s Mother’s Day, and the people of God gather to hear God’s word, and celebrate the gift of bread and wine, body and blood. The Sunday School children sing, and new members are recognized, while Pastor Jean shares the message.  Catch it all right here!

May 7, 2017 – The choir shares some of it’s favorite music from the past year. In the homily Pastor Jon considers the connection between Christmas, the Good Shepherd, and the NFL Draft!  You can see it all right here.

April 30, 2017 – It’s Confirmation Sunday as 23 young people affirm their baptisms.  Bishop Arends is with us to share the message, the choir brings special music, and God is with us!  Watch it all right here.

April 23, 3017 – It’s the Sunday after Easter, and we meet “Joe Average,” aka “Doubting Thomas,” only to discover that he is us. Hear Pastor Jean’s message and the choir’s music. as the continue to celebrate new life in the risen Christ!  Click here.

April 16, 2017 – Easter celebration!  Christ is risen, he is risen indeed!  Alleluia!  We celebrate Christ risen, with music from the younger Sunday School children, lots of brass, and the good news! Pastor Jon preaches, wondering if the resurrection will really matter on Monday (hint – it will!)  Find out how and why, right here!

April 9, 2017 – We enter Holy Week with shouts of “hosanna,” but then turn our face toward the cross. The Choir and the 3-5th graders help us rejoice in the coming of the Messiah, then the story of the Passion from Matthew leads us to the cross.  Watch it all right here.

March 26, 2017 – Pastor Jon preaches on “Charlie,” the man born blind, but a man freed from his limitations by Jesus. The choir shares a rendition of “Amazing Grace.”   “See” it right here!

March 19, 2017 – Pastor Jean preaches on the woman at the well.  Click here.

March 12, 2017 – The Second Sunday in Lent, and Pastor Jon preaches on being a blessing. The choir sings, and God’s people continue the journey to the cross.  See it here.

February 26, 2017 – It’s Transfiguration Sunday, and we share in a Celebration of Hope. The SOS Band leads worship, the choir and Sounds Like Love crew share music, and Pastor Jon preaches on hills and discipleship. At the end, we bury the Alleluias as we prepare for the journey through Lent, a journey that leads us to the cross, and finally to the risen Jesus!  All of, right here!

February 19, 2017 – Jake Iliff shares the message, and the Sunday School children sing.  Click here.

February 12, 2017 – The choir sings, and Pastor Jon preaches on Matthew 5. Just how does a good and loving God embrace a broken and fallen humanity? And what about divorce? It’s all about the grace and power of the crucified Jesus!  See it all right here.

February 5, 2017 – Pastor Jean preaches on salt – Jesus says, “You ARE the salt of the earth!”  Find out how, right here.

January 29, 2017 – Kids sing, Pastor Jean preaches, and God’s blessings flow – come and see…right here!

January 22, 2017 – It’s January thaw, and we gather for worship! Pastor Jon preaches on “marching in the light of God,” while the choir provides special music.  Join us right here!

January, 15, 2017 –  Pastor Jean preaches, and the choir sing.  “Come and see,” Jesus says.  Come and see!  Right here.

January 8, 2017 – The new year is underway, and we gather to hear the Word, celebrate the Sacrament, and give thanks to a good and gracious God! The choir sings, and Pastor Jon shares a perspective on the Baptism of Jesus – and our baptisms.  Click here.

January 1, 2017 – New Year’s Day!  Cathryn Bottem leads our worship, as we celebrate “The Name of Jesus.”  See it here!

December 24, 2016 – Christmas Eve worship, with Pastor Jon preaching and Pastor Jean leading worship. Enjoy carols, candlelight, and most of all, the Christmas story!  All the wonder of God in flesh, through the baby Jesus is right here.

December 18, 2016 – It’s the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and the choir leads us in worship, sharing the good news of the season in word and song.  Join us right here!

December 17, 2016 – It’s Saturday evening worship, and the 3-5th grade Sunday School children present the Christmas story. Jesus, kids, music, and good news – it doesn’t get any better than this!  Want to see what we mean?  Click here.

December 11, 2016 – We are getting closer to the manger, and the younger Sunday School children share the message with music.  Click here.

December 4, 2016 – Advent continues as Pastor Jon wonders if John the Baptist really matters anymore.  Find out, right there!

November 26, 2016 – Pastor Jean leads worship and shares the message as we enter the season of Advent. A 3rd grader is baptized, and the cycle of the church year, the rhythm of salvation and faithful discipleship, begins anew.  See it here!

November 20, 2016 – It’s Christ the King Sunday!  Pastor Jon preaches, and the women’s choir shares music.  Soon, and very soon, we are goin’ to see the King!  Join us right here.

November 13, 2016 – The gospel text reminds us we live in a frightening world, but the good news of Jesus brings us hope – and inspires passion!  Pastor Jon preaches, and the younger Sunday School children sing.  You can see it all right here.

November 6, 2016 – All Saints Sunday, and we give thanks for the saints who have gone before us.  We also welcome Pastor Jim Holmberg, from Lutheran Social Services, to share how the saints serve the saints – how God works in all of us to serve the people of God!  Click here.

October 30, 2016 – Reformation Sunday, and Pastor Jon shares a bit of perspective on the Reformation and how God continues to be at work in our lives today.  Catch the brass, the choir, and the people of God gathered together, right here!

October 23, 2016 – It’s SOS Band time again, and the Sunday School children add to the music!  Pastor Jean preaches on prayer and humility.  You can catch it all right here!

October 16, 2016 – Pastor Jon shares the message, the choir sings, and 3rd graders receive Bibles – you can watch it right here.

October 9, 2016 – Pastor Jon shares a message of God’s surprising grace, using the story of Elisha and Naaman, from 2 Kings.  Meanwhile, the choir signs, prayers are lifted up, and God is at work in our midst!  See it here!

October 2, 2016 – When was the last time YOU read Habakkuk?  Pastor Jean preaches on the words of Habakkuk, while the choir sings and God’s people receive the gifts of bread and wine.  We also present Bibles to our young people, and bless both quilts and school kits that will be sent around the world.  Check it all right here.

September 25, 2016 – Pastor Jon preaches, while the SOS Band leads our worship, and Holden is welcomed into the family of God.  Right here.

September 18, 2016 – Pastor Jean provides the message as teachers are installed, and Adrionna is baptized.   Click here.

September 11, 2016 – on a beautiful, but bittersweet day, Our Savior’s gathers for “Gospel on the Green,” worshiping at the Lion’s Shelter across from the church, and celebrating our calling as disciples of Jesus. We reflect on what it means to allow God to be at work, while remembering the ongoing pain and fear that grew out of the events 15 years ago. Pastor Jon preaches, the SOS band leads worship, and the Sunday School children share music with us. You can see it all right here.

September 4, 2016 – God’s people give thanks for labor of all kinds, but especially rejoice in the work God accomplishes through Jesus Christ.  Pastor Jean shares the message.  See it here.  

August 28, 2016 – Lots to celebrate as two children are baptized, we celebrate Holy Communion, we bless students, teachers and backpacks, the SOS Band leads worship, and Pastor Jon preaches.  Great stuff as summer draws to a close.  Join our worship right here.

August 21, 2016 – Summer moves on, and the harvest is soon to be gathered, but even now God is at work.  In our worship Pastor Jean preaches, a child is baptized, the supper is shared – and God is good! Right here.

August 14, 2016 – The dog days of summer are upon us, but God continues to feed and nourish us.  Pastor Jon provides the message, but God provides the Good News!  Click here.

August 7, 2016 – Sugar Creek is here for VBS, and Tim Bowman departs.  Pastor Jean preaches, God’s people are fed, and grace abounds!  See it here.

July 31, 2016 – Dean Olson shares special music, while Pastor Jon shares the message.  You can join us right here.

July 24, 2016 – The mission trip kids are back, and they share some reflections on their trip to Minneapolis.  Worship is great – God is good!  Watch it here.

July 17, 2016 – Tim Bowman shares the message on Luke’s version of the Lord’s Prayer.  Check it out right here.

July 10, 2016 – Pastor Jean shares the message, and Marty Frank provides special music.  See it here.

July 3, 2016 – Pastor Jon shares the message as we ponder independence, dependence, and Jesus!  Click right here…

June 26, 2016 – The SOS band leads our worship, while Pastor Jean helps us understand what it means to live as both pilgrims and nomads – but always as faithful disciples of Jesus!  Watch it here.

June 12, 2016 – Dean and Sharon Olson lead our worship at 8 AM as Pastors Jon and Jean are at Synod Assembly.  People of God, leading the people of God in their worship!  See it here!

June 5, 2016 – We gather in the midst of “June Dairy Days,” pondering what the raising of a young man in Nain 2000 years ago has to do with our life and our world today.  Join our worship right here.

May 29, 2016 – The journey through the “green” season begins.  Find out just what amazes Jesus, as Pastor Jean shares the message, and surprises Pastor Jon the 30th anniversary of his ordination.  The choir sings, and God is with us, so click here to see it all!

May 22, 2016 – The Festival of the Holy Trinity – we worship with music from the SOS Band, and our high school graduates are recognized and blessed.  See it all right here!

May 15, 2016 – Pentecost Sunday, and the Holy Spirit fills our worship with music!  The Bells of Joy prepare us for worship, then the Senior Choir shares some of their favorites from the past year.  Watch – and listen – by clicking here!

May 8, 2016 – It’s Mother’s Day, the church is full, the Sunday School children are singing, Pastor Jon is preaching, Brooke and Bryce are baptized, and God is with us!  You can join us by clicking right here!

April 24, 2016 – The Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) for 32 young people.  Pastor Jon preaches, the choir sings, the church is packed, and promises are affirmed – by ninth graders, and by a gracious God!  You can see it all, right here!

April 17, 2016 – Easter continues as we celebrate new life in the resurrected Jesus.  Pastor Jean is preaching, the choir is singing, and God is at work in our midst!  See it here.

April 10, 2016 – Out fishing – and the catch is huge – 153 big fish!  Join us as we worship, Pastor Jon provides the message, and the choir offers the Lord’s Prayer.  All, right here!

April 3, 2016 – The Second Sunday of Easter, and the alleluias continue!  Pastor Jean provides the message as we hear Jesus say, “Peace be with you!”  Watch it here.

March 27, 2016 – Easter Sunday!  Come and join us as we celebrate the new life we have in the resurrected Jesus.  Brass, Sunday School children singing, alleluias…all part of our celebration.  Pastor Jon shares the message.  Click here.

March 20, 2016 – Sunday of the Passion, or “Palm Sunday.” Worship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, West Salem, Wisconsin, includes the reading of the passion story from Luke, the procession with palms, and music as the Senior Choir and the Sunday School children join voices. Watch – listen – and walk the final steps to the foot of the cross!  You can see it all right here!

March 12, 2016 – The choir joins our Saturday worship, providing music, while Pastor Jon shares the message.  Watch it here.

March 6, 2016 – Tim Bowman,  Youth ministry leader, shares the message on reconciliation, as we move closer to the celebration of our reconciliation with God through the crucified and risen Lord Jesus.  Click here.

February 28, 2016 – The SOS Band is here, the choir sings, and Pastor Jean shares the message.  We continue to mark the days of Lent, as we journey to the foot of the cross.  Join us, right here!

February 21, 2016 – Cathryn Bottem leads worship and shares the message, as the Sunday School children provide the music.  What kind of witness comes from college students and young children?  Find out, right here!

February 14, 2016 – Valentine’s Day is also the First Sunday of Lent.  The Bells of Joy share music, and Pastor Jon shares the message, as we continue to journey to the cross.  See it right here.

February 7, 2016 – The “Celebration of Hope,” with the SOS Band leading worship, the choir singing two numbers, and Pastor Jean preaching.  Get ready for Lent – watch it here!

January 31, 2016 – Worship with Pastor Jon preaching, as Epiphany moves toward its end.  Come and hear what happens when Jesus preaches in his home town!  Click here!

January 24, 2016 – The SOS Band gets us going, and the Sunday School children get us rocking with their singing.  Pastor Jon ponders the Spirit, power chargers, Star Wars, and Jesus.  Oh, and Adrianna is baptized too!  See it all right here.

January 17, 2016 – It’s really cold outside, but inside we are warmed by God’s gifts of grace.  We hear this morning of abundant grace, like the abundant wine at the wedding in Cana.  Pastor Jean shares the message, and the choir sings – all right here!

January 10, 2016 – It’s the Baptism of Our Lord – the choir sings, and Pastor Jon brings the message.  See it right here.

January 3, 2016 – Christmas is still on!  We hear from John 1, and reflect on “the beginning” and “the word (that) became flesh and dwelt among us.”  Watch it here.

December 24 – Christmas Eve, and we come to worship the newborn King!  3:30 PM worship includes a packed house worshiping, with a choir anthem, carols and candlelight, and a message from Pastor Jon.  Click here!

December 20 – It’s time for a concert, as the choir shares the message of Christmas through the music of the annual cantata.  Right here!

December 13 –  The third Sunday of Advent, and John the Baptist confronts the “brood of vipers.”  The choir sings, with flute accompaniment.  Check it out right here!

December 12 – The Sunday School children present their Christmas program, “Stars!  Angels!  Shepherds! Kings!” Held at West Salem Presbyterian Church, 78 children share the Christmas message before almost 250 parents, grandparents, and friends.  You can join them by clicking here.

December 6 – the second Sunday of Advent.  Pastor Jean provides the message as we continue to make our way to Bethlehem.  Watch it here.

November 29 – The first Sunday of Advent, and Pastor Jon preaches as we set out on the journey to Bethlehem.  The choir joins us with music, and the message challenges us to live faithfully even when the world seems to be crashing in around us.  See it right here.

November 22 – Pastor Jean preaches, with a woman’s choir providing special music.  We also thank Dana Roemhild for her ministry with our young people, as several of our high school youth bear witness to the ways that she shared Jesus with them.  Watch it here.

November 15 – Worship with Pastor Jon preaching.  Tim Bowman is installed as Interim Director of Youth and Family Ministry, and the Sunday School children provide some special music.  It’s all here!

November 8 – We worship with music from a vocal quartet, and the sermon on “two copper coins.”  Click right here.

November 1 – All Saints’ Day Worship, with Pastor Larry Westfield joining us and sharing a message on the legacy we leave, and the legacy we share!  See it right here.

October 25 – Worship with the choir sharing music.  New members are recognized, and we find out just how Bartimaeus reacted to getting his sight back!   You can see it here.

October 17 – Saturday worship, with prayers for healing, along with the choir offering an anthem.  Right here!

October 11 – Worship focusing on the “Stewardship of Missed Opportunities.”  Pastor Jon preaches, and the choir lets it all hang out with “How Great Thou Art!”  Watch it here.

September 27 – Bishop Arends visits and shares the message, along with lots of kids singing for Jesus!  Catch it all right here!

September 20 – Bibles for kids, Word and Sacrament, Pastor Jean preaching – summer ends with a bang!  See it here.

September 13 – It’s Rally Day, the choir is singing, and Pastor Jon preaches on “mystery!”  Click here to take it all in!

August 30 – Backpacks, students, and education folk from preschool to college are blessed as a new school year begins.  Pastor Jon preaches, prayers are offered, songs sung, and Jesus says to us, “Owl always love you!”  See it all right here!

August 16 – A little more bread of life, and some water too as we worship and give thanks to a good and gracious God!  Part of our worship was to see the video of the well we provided in Zambia.  You can see that video clip by clicking here.  Or you can watch the worship service, including Isaiah and Jackson’s baptisms.  To join in the worship, click here.

Thursday, August 13 – The closing program for Vacation Bible School – lot’s of kids, energy, and Jesus!   Watch it here!   Earlier in the day, we visited Mulder Health Care – the kids were rockin’ and sharing the love of Jesus – catch it all right here!

August 9 – A team from Sugar Creek joins us to introduce Vacation Bible School, and Pastor Jon shares more on the “Bread of Life.”  See it here.

July 26 – The SOS band leads worship, and the Atlanta Mission Trip team reports!  Click here.

July 19, 2015 – Worship, with an invitation to find some time for resting in Jesus.  Watch it here!

July 12, 2015 – Pastor Jean takes on King Herod and his hatchet men.  Click here to see how she does it!

June 21 , 2015 – It’s the “Top Ten” as we sing the ten favorite hymns, and learn a bit about each one.  Find out which hymn is a translation of the Russian from the German from the Swedish, which is really autobiographical, which tune originated with hay makers, and much more!  Click here to find out!

June 14, 2015 – Sunday worship, with lay leadership.  Here it is..,

June 7, 2015 – Bonnie Klos is ordained at Our Savior’s!  Watch it here!

May 31, 2015 – The Festival of the Holy Trinity, with Bells of Joy, and Pastor Jean preaching.  You can see and hear it all right here!

May 24, 2015 – The Day of Pentecost!  The SOS Band leads worship, and we recognize our high school graduates.  Click here.

May 17, 2015 – The Seventh Sunday of Easter, and the Senior Choir shares their “Top Ten.”  Enjoy the music and worship by clicking here.

May 10, 2015 – Mother’s Day!  The Senior Choir and the Sunday School Choir join voices to share special music, and Pastor Jean is the preacher.  Click here.

May 3, 2015 – Pastor Ben Morris, campus pastor at Lutheran Campus Ministry, La Crosse, joins us as preacher.  LCM is a partner ministry of Our Savior’s.  Watch the service here.

April 26, 2015 – Affirmation of Baptism, with 33 of our 9th graders.  Click here!

Easter 3, April 19, 2015…SOS Band, High School Praise Band, Senior Choir, Aleckson duet and Pastor Jean preaching.   Right here!

Easter continues…Easter 2, April 12, 2015.  Watch it here.

Easter worship for 2015 was rich, full of music, forgiveness, grace, and the resurrected Jesus!  Click here to watch!

Our Savior’s Senior Choir shares the good news of the birth of Jesus on December 21, 2014, through the cantata “And the Glory Shone Around.”  Click here.


359 N. Leonard
West Salem, WI 54669
Phone: 608.786.0030



John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness...

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son...

Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is; his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Matthew 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is; his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 10:9

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.