Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in West Salem, Wisconsin

Our World



Our Savior strongly supports the work of the gospel through our partnership in the La Crosse Area Synod, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  Joining together with over 80 congregations in the synod, and nearly 10,000 throughout the ELCA, we make happen things we simply can’t do on our own.  Our mission support of over $32,000 per year, along with the support from other congregations supports new mission starts, missionaries across the globe, education at colleges and seminaries, the development of new mission materials in a variety of languages, chaplains at hospitals, prisons, and military units, campus ministries, peace and justice advocacy, and many other ministries that reach from our own community to the other side of the globe.  In a recent congregational reflection, our mission support was one of our top six priorities.  Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19).  Through our mission support we do just that!


Along with our mission support through the La Crosse Area Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Our Savior’s is also one of the primary supporters of Lutheran Campus Ministry at La Crosse (called LuMin).  LuMin has it’s home in a building known as “Common Ground,” and provides a place of nurture, growth, and sometimes safety for young adults studying at UL-W, Viterbo, and Western Technical College.  Our Savior’s commits to financial support (over $4000/year), but also to leadership support, as Pastor Jon is a past chair of the LuMin board. 

Sunday evening worship, trips to learn and serve around the world that typically include 20+ students, other trips and events to deepen spirituality, small group and Bible studies, partnerships with other student organizations, and even cookies on campus every Wednesday (thousands of cookies every year!) are all a part of LuMin’s work.  Most of all, LuMin is a place where students can be safe, ask questions, and experience the crucified and risen Jesus in the midst of their hectic and sometimes bewildering journey of life.

Young adults face daunting challenges in the coming years, and we yearn to find ways to make a difference in their lives.   At LuMin ministry with young adults is happening.  And through our support, we are there with them, and their ministry is our ministry!


While Our Savior’s typically sends 25 or so children to Sugar Creek Bible Camp each year, we also support Sugar Creek to enable the ministry to touch the lives of children from all corners of the Coulee region.  Through summer camp programs, and other ministries, Sugar Creek helps children and young people experience a God who is vibrant, relevant, and very much “in their face!”  Check out Sugar Creek’s web site for programming and ministries.  


Our Savior’s provides financial support for Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin-Upper Michigan.  In a variety of ways LSS meets the needs of people who are hurting.  From counseling to group homes, adoption to senior services, and lots more, LSS touches those who are often overlooked and forgotten.  


ELCA World Hunger responds to hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world by addressing root causes.  Through a comprehensive program of reliefdevelopmenteducation, and advocacy, people are connected to the resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty.  Between 70-75 percent of ELCA World Hunger funds are spent internationally, and 20-25 percent are spent domestically.

RELIEF is how ELCA World Hunger responds to the immediate needs of people who are homeless, living in poverty, or who otherwise do not have the means to provide adequate nutrition for themselves or their families.  This includes access to food, clothing, shelter, medical supplies and care, and other basic needs.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is the critical element of work done during and after relief to ensure the long-term viability of a community that experiences hunger, poverty, or widespread health issues.  Development leads to increased access to food and sustainable livelihoods through means such as sustainable agriculture, care for the environment, appropriate technology, adequate housing, jobs, primary health care and disease prevention, job training, child care, elder care, nutrition education, literacy training, sanitation, safe water supplies, below-market loans, and just land use and distribution.

EDUCATION is the tool ELCA World Hunger uses to help raise the church’s awareness of the root causes of and solutions to global hunger and poverty.  Our education programs and resources engage ELCA members, congregations, synods, affiliated ministries and ecumenical partners and invite them to respond in concrete ways.

ADVOCACY is how the ELCA works to overcome the effects and root causes of hunger and poverty through administrative, legislative, and judicial actions in the public sphere, as well as through corporate actions in the private sphere.

The international work of ELCA World Hunger is carried out through ELCA companion relationships as well as through trusted partners like Lutheran World Relief (LWR) and The Lutheran World Federation (LWF).  Because of these long-held connections to partners around the world, ELCA World Hunger efforts are efficient and effective.

The domestic work of ELCA World Hunger is carried out primarily through the Domestic Hunger Grants Program (relief, development, and community organizing projects) and Education and Advocacy Grants.

For in-depth information regarding the work of the ELCA with hunger, go to www.elca.org/Our-Faith-In-Action/Responding-to-the-World/ELCA-World-Hunger.aspx


God’s Global Barnyard is a great way to participate in the work against hunger throughout the world.  Using the ELCA “Good Gifts” catalog,” you can make a gift to provide livestock, mosquito netting, wells, even school tuition to people in vulnerable and threatened communities.  You can check out the “Good Gifts Catalog” at community.elca.org/elcagoodgifts. You can make your gifts directly on the ELCA’s secure site, or you can make a gift through Our Savior’s.

The Sunday School at Our Savior’s frequently uses God’s Global Barnyard as its vehicle to make a difference in the lives of others.  You can too!


Lutheran World Relief serves people in need in the United States and throughout the world especially at times of disasters.  It is often said that after other agencies have left a disaster area Lutheran World Relief stays to help people with the multitude of difficulties they face long term after a disaster.

Check out the variety of services and locations served at http://lwr.org

Our Savior’s has supported Lutheran World Relief for decades through the sewing and tying of quilts every Wednesday.  Each year the congregation sends around 200 quilts to Lutheran World Relief, in addition to a number of quilts distributed locally.

You can be a part of this ministry by donating cotton fabric, sheets, batting, or thread, by cutting squares and strips, sewing quilt tops, tying the quilts on Wednesday afternoons, sewing the binding on the quilt, packing the quilts for shipment to LWR.  You may also contribute through your offering to Our Savior’s.  Designate quilt ministry or Dorcas Circle on your offering envelope or check.


359 N. Leonard
West Salem, WI 54669
Phone: 608.786.0030



Romans 10:9

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is; his good, pleasing and perfect will.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son...

Matthew 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness...

Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is; his good, pleasing and perfect will.

John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.